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(AN: sorry for not being active these past few days, as well as this chapter being short. I've had family stuff to deal with, and now I'm the mother of 9 baby chickens. They need to be handled regularly so they won't turn out mean or scared towards people. So most my time is being taken up by that, but don't worry! I'll still find time to write.)

"Hold on!" The Doctor said rushing around the console. The Tardis shook violently as she tried to maneuver us away from whatever was following us through the vortex.

"We are holding on!" Yaz shouted.

"Well, hold on tighter!" She said fiddling with the controls.

"Can you two do something about this turbulence?" Graham called from the other side of the console.

"We're avoiding something." The Doctor said reaching next to me to hit another button. She groaned in frustration. "I can't get the hang of these new systems!"

"What is it?" Yaz asked.

The Doctor looked up at the monitor and whatever it was, was still chasing us. "Oh! It's still coming for us. Oh, it's a teleport pulse!" She exclaimed in realization.

A ball of light floated in the console room for a second. "What's that?" Ryan called.

In place of the light stood a robot, that I've never seen before. "Delivery for the Doctor." It said holding out the box.

"What did you do now?" I asked rolling my eyes turning to her. She seemed as excited as a child who couldn't wait to open a present.

"It's a Kerblam man!" She shouted jumping excitedly. She moved past us towards the robot.

"The what?" I asked crossing my arms.

"The Kerblam man!" She said once more thinking I would understand the second time.

"You're just making sounds now!" Graham exclaimed.

"I swear the older she gets, the more of a child she becames..." I said rubbing my temples.

The robot held out the box to the Doctor and she took it happily. "Delivery fulfilled. And remember, if you want it, Kerblam it." It said before disappearing.

"Space postman. I've seen it all now." Graham said.

"Delivery bots." She said putting the box on the floor. "Kerblam is the biggest retailer in this galaxy."

"What did you even order?" I asked her leaning on the console between Graham and Yaz.

"No idea. I don't remember ordering anything. Must have been a while back." She said pulling out a fez.

"Oh no." I groaned as she excitedly put it on.

"What do you think?" She asked the group.

"Like I should get rid of that one, like I did the others." I said walking up to her. She quickly got up and held the fez out of my reach.

"No! Hands off!" She said. "You're not getting rid of this one!" I jumped up and snatched it from her. "(Y/n), give me back my fez."

"No." I said firmly. "You don't need it."

"Please, please, please, can I have it?" She begged.

I was about to say no, but the sad look in her eyes made me feel guilty. Like I just kicked a puppy. "Fine! You can have the stupid fez!" I said handing it back to her. "That's it no more." A smile grew on her face as she took the fez and put it back in her head.

"They even use bubble wrap." Ryan said picking up the bubble wrap from the box. He laughed as he walked back over to the console popping the bubble wrap.

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