Chapter Ten: Trouble on the Tower

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The Doctor set up the radio and waited until she knew the Germans were listening in. She looked at you before taking a breath. She tapped out four beats and waited. Then another four and waited again. "That's not a code." Noor called shaking her head.

"Not to you." The Doctor replied. "If this works I'm gonna need you to find something for me. This is a very personal code."

"The four beats of a time lord's hearts." You muttered and she glanced at you. She paused for a moment and there. Suddenly came a reply. She did it twice more and smiled when he replied.

"That got his attention." She smirked as she felt around for him psychically. "He's not so far, I can sense him. She closed her eyes and reached out to him. 'Contact.' She called in her mind, trying to establish a psychic link. Very similar to the one she was trying to establish with you all night.

'Contact.' Came a reply and she smirked again. 'Old school.'

"You're not the only one who can do classic." The Doctor muttered.

'So how are you holding up without a Tardis or your friends or a hope? A fugitive in time.'

"All right." She said growing slightly annoyed. She wasn't alone she had you, and if she was honest as long as she had that she could bare being alone and stranded without a Tardis. "You've come all this way. You've got me cornered. I'll meet you. No troops." She frowned. "No soldiers. Just us."


"Where do you think?" Their bond was temporarily interrupted by another. It was barely noticeable, but it appears she wasn't the first to establish a form of bond with him. How could he have another bond with a time lord? All of Gallifrey despised him. Who could he have convinced to share a psychic bond with. "Who have you bonded with?" She asked curiously.

'That's for me to know and you to find out.' He chuckled before disconnecting the bond harshly. The connection being suddenly cut caused her a moment of brief pain but she managed to get over it quickly. As a telepathic species a bond was supposed to be severed gently to avoid that, but nothing about the Master was gentle.

She took off the headset and glanced at you and the others. They all knew the plan and you and the Doctor were about to leave to meet him. "(Y/n), you're up, let's go." You both left the flat and hurried down the stairs onto the street. The tower wasn't far but there were dozens of troops and planes between you both and the Master. "This way come on!" The Doctor grabbed your hand and pulled you towards an alleyway in the back.

"It's a bit cold up here." The Doctor called as she climbed out you followed. You shot the Master a glare and the Doctor offered her hand to you. You took it and the Master narrowed his eyes at you. "It's worse than Jodrell Bank."

"Did I ever apologize for that?" The Master asked.

"No." The Doctor called looking over the edge of the tower.

"Good." He scoffed.

"How's the shoulder?" She shot back with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Painful." He said back smugly. The Doctor glared at him looking him up and down. Her grip on your hand tightened slightly.

"I don't like what your wearing." She narrowed her eyes tilting her head. "Or the company you keep." She then scoffed before shaking her head. "How have you managed that? Your not exactly their Aryan archetype." She spat out.

"Tiny Teutonic psychic perception filter. Learn them in school." He said gesturing to his head. "Let's people see what they want to see."

"I'm assuming, it was you who hijacked the MI6 car." Said flatly.

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