Thijarian Mission

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(AN: sorry for the no update yesterday, I side tracked myself with my Fam. In ways only my fam would understand...)

The Doctor placed the device to the center support of the barn. Using her sonic to lock it into place. "What are you-"

"Shh!" The Doctor said. Suddenly the barn door opened Hansa and Umbreen walked in. "No, stay out!" The Doctor warned but it was to late. The high pitch noise filled my head with a pain familiar pain. I managed to glance up and everyone else was experiencing the same thing.

The creatures then appeared in the middle of the barn. There voice filling our heads. "You disrupt our work." They said.

"Good, now who are you here for?" The Doctor demanded.

"We don't answer to you." They simply replied. The Doctor didn't like that answer, and neither did I. "You must leave, or we will stand over your corpses."

"Nothing like getting to the point." The Doctor said.

"Is it me? Are they here to kill me?" Prem asked. "Take me and promise to leave the others." He said stepping forward.

"Prem, no, not going to happen." Umbreen said pulling him back.

"Both of you, I'm dealing with this." The Doctor said pushing herself in front of everyone. I made my way to stand next to her but she held her arm out and gently pushed me behind her. "I've just nicked four of your Transmat locks out of the forest. Good trick, by the way. Forcing people back, away from the boundary. Clever. So clever, I'm using it myself, against you, locking you out of this farm." She pulled out her screwdriver and used it on the Trasmat. The device beeped and they both disappeared one after the other.

"You killed the demons..." Prem said shocked.

"No," she said turning to face the others. "Just exiled them for now. I made a temporary transmat barrier around the farm. I'm hoping it will keep them out for the next few hours. Enough time for you to get married and for us to keep everyone safe."

"Are you serious?" Manish exclaimed. "After what's just happened? Can't you see what's happening? You bring demons to life." He accused. I really wasn't liking his tone.

"I don't think they're demons." The Doctor replied. I slipped my hand into her's behind her back out of plain sight.

"Well I do." Hansa said. "I'm with Manish."

"How many hours?" Umbreen asked.

"Twelve. Eighteen at a push. I can't be sure." The Doctor said honestly.

"Tonight, we celebrate and we marry first thing." Umbreen said to Prem and the rest of us. "And if we have to fight them, we will. Come on." She said dragging Prem by his hand out the barn doors.

Yaz crouched down next to the Doctor. "Still not interfering, are we?" She said in a mocking tone.

"Oi! The alien assassins started it." The Doctor said in her defense. "We can't leave now. If something happens to Umbreen, your whole timeline could be erased. No Yaz! We can't have a universe with no Yaz!"

"I'm sorry, the alien what, now?" I asked confused and wanting to make sure I heard her right. "Did you just say, alien assassins?"

"Yes, come on (Y/n), keep up!" She said picking up a container with the purple dust. "Now whatever's in here might tell us more." She put it down carefully and began to screw the top off. "Nobody breathe to deeply..." she stuck her sonic through the top and began to scan it. Suddenly the sonic started to buzz and spark. Causing the Doctor to pull it away suddenly. "Woah! It's overloaded my sonic! Too many inputs. That's never happened before. Oh, think.." she said to herself. "I have to go analogue."

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