Finally Free!

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(AN: I've technically finished the episode, and now for these next two or three chapters. It will all come out of my sick and twisted mind. So "hold on to your butts." And just know. "This is where the fun begins.")(if you get those two references you are cool)

I woke up on the floor of the Tardis. I wasn't in the med bay but I did have that familiar feeling of an IV in my arm. The Doctor stood over me trying to wake me. "Come on, (Y/n). Wake up." I slowly began to blink my eyes. Forcing my eyes to open as best as they can. "Almost there, come on." She said and I fully opened my eyes. She smiled down at me and I gave her a small smile back. She bent down and picked me up in her arms. I weakly held into her as she moved to the console.

"Doctor, I can lean on the console. Help the others." I asked her and she gently put me down. I leaned heavily on the console but I was able to stay awake and keep an eye out. I looked around and saw Yaz running large cables out of the Tardis doors. When I turned back to the Doctor she stuck a needle into my neck. "Ow!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, but I thought a little bit of adrenaline would help you." She said and it did. I didn't feel as much pain and I didn't have to lean as heavy on the console. She went to the opposite side of the console. "If I can extend the dematerialization field by three meters, then split the field..." she looked up at me after messing with a few things on the console. "I must be able to split the field. They're only tiny and I'm clever."

"You can do it Doctor, I believe in you." I said. She smiled at me before turning to the door. "Oi, Ux, Get in here!" She shouted and they hesitated but then entered the Tardis. "I know this will be way beyond your comprehension."

"Dimensionally transcendental."

"Now, get the cables with Yaz and lock them into the systems. Delph, come here." The Doctor called.

"What are you gonna do?" Yaz asked as she pulled the cables out.

"Telepathic circuits." The Doctor said. I used whatever strength I could manage to push and pull my way around the console, dragging the IV line behind me.

"Do you think it would work?" I asked the Doctor. She turned to me and I could see the look of hope in her eyes.

"I hope so." She whispered before going over to Delph. "You brought all these things here. You have all the coordinates in your head. The fastest way is to read what's in your mind and send them back fast, but keeping us here." She then went to another part of the console. "There knowledge, their abilities, Tim Shaw's tech, our blue box. We lash together every resource we've got. Sort of like a supergroup, best elements of everyone." She began moving around hitting buttons and switches as she went. "Clear?"

"Not in the least." Yaz replied. "Will it work?"

"No idea, but we towed your planet once, halfway across the universe with this Tardis, and turn a slitheen back into an egg.  So let's give it a go." I looked from the Doctor to the center console. The Tardis gave a sympathetic hum that no one cared to notice but me.

"Doctor?" I called and she didn't respond. She just went ahead and tried to help the Ux.

Come on!        Come on!        Nearly there!

I heard the Tardis then give a groan of disapproval. Did she hear this voice too? "I know this will be painful. I wouldn't put you through this if I could think of any other way right now."

"It's ok." Delph said in response and the Doctor shook her head.

"It's not. But thank you." She then turned back towards the doors. "Ready?" She shouted.

"Ready!" Yaz shouted back. The Doctor made her way to a lever and pulled it down.

There was an explosion outside and Delph started screaming in pain. I felt blood start to drip down my nose. I looked at the Doctor and she was focusing on making everything work. I turned my back on her so she couldn't see my face. Now was not the time to distract her. "Please please please don't back up on me." She said as she started messing with controls and wires. Sparks started flying everywhere and I had to move away from the console to not be hit. "I'm sorry Delph." He started groaning in pain as he struggled to hold the wires. "It's working!" The sound of the Tardis taking off filled the room. But we were stationary on the planet. "Possibly. Just hold. Keep at it all of you!"

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