Chapter One: Spyfall Part One

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(AN: I know it's technically not Christmas Eve, but the way the weather is acting right now, I might not have power tomorrow, or at the very least Internet. So I'm uploading the first 2 chapters now. Then next time would be New Year's Eve and day.)

The hot water streamed down my body as I scrubbed the soap from my skin. I sighed as I rinsed the rest of it from my hair. The Tardis was quiet, everyone had been dropped off less than an hour ago. They wanted to spend time with their friends and family, and I wanted some alone time with the Doctor. Not that I minded the others, but it had been a long time since the Doctor and I spent time together alone. I felt bad for leaving them to go on an adventure with the Doctor, but I was also thanking whatever deities that were listening for this opportunity. Is this what having kids felt like? I suppose it was oddly similar enough. I laughed at that, but I could imagine it, the Doctor and I as parents dropping off the kids with a friend for a weekend to spend time alone. Worrying about them while they were gone, but also enjoying the relief. But that was to domestic for the Doctor.

I finished getting ready after getting out of the shower and walked into the console room. "So, I was thinking." I said with a smug expression. "While the others are home, we could go out."

"What do you mean out?" She adjusted her wielding goggles before bending down to look underneath the Tardis console.

"Like a date?" I asked unsure. "When was the last time we went out together, just the two of us?" She paused in what she was doing to think about it. "Come on Doctor, you and me, candle lit dinner in the moon light. We can split a ginger beer and see where the evening takes us." I bit my lower lip in excitement to see her reaction.

"Pass me that wrench there." The Doctor asked laying under the Tardis console. I frowned with narrowed eyes. I did as she asked and handed her what she needed.

"You're not even listening to me are you." I scoffed shaking my head.

"No, I am! You, me, dinner, something about moon light." She said pulling a few wires out. "Oh... that's not supposed to happen." She called as sparks flew.

"Doctor!" I yelled startling her. She jumped and hit her head on the bottom of the console. "Are you going to fiddle with the console all day?" I asked leaning on the it. I crossed my arms and watched as she slid out from underneath. Her wielding goggles around her neck, hair askew, grease smudged on her face.

"No, it's just this one bit that needs fixing, and we can be off on our weekend together." She said and I sighed. "What?" She asked confused. It was always just one thing that needs fixing, then another thing, then another after that. I know how she gets when she's hyper focused.

"I should have gone with the others." I said with a shake of my head. "Had I known you would spend our alone weekend poking and prodding the Tardis I would've gone with the others."

"I'm not! It's just this one thing that needs fixing and I'm done. I won't touch it again." She said standing.

"Rule one: the Doctor lies." I said back with a sarcastic smile.

"I just need to drain the water in some of the rooms. It won't take but an hour." She said and I looked at her skeptically. "The Tardis has a fit if I let it build up." Was her explanation. The Tardis gave a hum in disapproval and I rose my eyebrow at the Doctor. "Traitor!" She whispered to the console.

"Doctor!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! Yes! Fine, we can go but I really do need to drain it. There's a blockage somewhere." She said and I gave her a pointed look. "Honest!"

"One hour." I told her as I walked towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Out." I simply replied. As I walked to the doors and opened them I realized there was a bit of a gap between the Tardis and the ground. "Doctor!" I shouted.

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