Some Complaints for Management

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"Dan?" Yaz called walking down the rows. I walked the row beside her to help our chances of finding him.

"Dan, you down here?" I called. I could see him, or anything for that matter it was dark nearly pitch black, but I could make out shapes and things in the distance. "Can you see anything?" I asked over to Yaz.

"No, there's no light down here. The entire row is pitch black. How are you so far down?" She asked. What was she talking about? It wasn't completely pitch black, just extremely dark. I could still see fine if I was careful.

"You mean you can't see anything?" I asked stopping in my tracks.

"No! Not a thing!" What was happening to me? Why could I see better than Yaz?

Helping Helping I'm helping

Oh, that's why. The Tardis was whispering in my mind. The Tardis was helpful after all.


Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I continued onwards down the row. "Dan?" Yaz asked once more. There was still no reply. "Have you seen him yet?"

"No, not yet." I replied. There was a loud scream. "Dan!" I shouted taking off towards the scream. "Come on Yaz!" I shouted as she lagged behind. "Dan! Where are you?" I shouted running around the corner. I stopped in my tracks and Yaz almost ran into my back. There was Dan's cart but he himself was nowhere to be seen. Yaz ran past me and picked up his scanner. It was busted up and wires were exposed. It almost looked as if it was crushed or burned. I bent down and picked up his necklace his daughter made him. The metal was untouched. I put it in my pocket and turned around.

"Uh, we just found these." Yaz said to the delivery bot. "They belong to Dan Cooper. Do you know where he is?" She asked him. He just stood there in silence. He started to slowly approach us and I turned behind me to see another one blocking our path.

"Time to go!" I said pushing Yaz towards the shelf. She crawled under it and in between boxes. I followed her and when I turned around to look back they were both staring at us. "That door, move!" I shouted as she ran to the door. She opened it and I ran in behind her closing it. "That was close. We need to find the Doctor." I said and she nodded. We walked through the corridor and tried to blend in as much as possible.

"Temporary functionality issues. Team nine, take an emergency rest break in the Home Zone now." The automated voice said.

"Good, now we can meet up with the others and tell them what we found." I said and we made our way to the Home Zone. We found our way to the Home Zone and I looked around for the Doctor. I saw her and Ryan and made my way over to her. "Doctor!" I said and she looked over to us.

"Oh, there you are. Have you two had any luck finding anything out?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, we were working with Dan, Dan Cooper." Yaz said. "He went down to the triple nines in the Fulfillment department and disappeared." She said.

"We found his scanner busted and broken, as if it had been crushed." I explained. "We we're surrounded by robots and we ran out as fast as we could."

"So, just to be clear, you found Dan's scanner, crushed?" The Doctor asked.

"We heard him yell, and now, there's no sign of him anywhere. We have to find him." Yaz said and I nodded in agreement.

"These were delivery bots like Kerblam Man. Not the teammates?" She asked for clarification.

"Yeah, exactly." I said.

"You three stay with me." She said as she walked up to Graham, who was mopping the sidewalk. "I need you to find out the history of the company. And try and get some plans of the complex."

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