Arachnids In The UK

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(AN: For Clevergirl, I found the meme we talked about. On a side note, I'm going to be completely honest, I haven't seen the new season yet, and the only spoiler I know is my favorite character comes back. I haven't really thought about it but please don't post spoilers in comments. Just thought I say something before it happens.)

The next morning I woke up curled into the Doctor's side. She had and arm around me and had been absent mindlessly drawing circles on the back of my shoulder. I yawned pulling her closer. "You stayed?" I asked through my yawning. Usually the Doctor would leave after I fell asleep to fiddle with the Tardis if she didn't feel the need to sleep.

"You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you." She said and I continued to lean my head on her chest my eyes closed. "If you want to go back to sleep, I'll still be here."

"No," I said finally giving in to being awake. "We should probably get up before the others do." I then pushed myself up off of her and got up off the bed. I stretched my arms before looking through my clothes to pick out something to wear. I pulled out jeans and a t-shirt, seeing as we were taking the others home. I walked over to the bathroom with my clothes in hand. "I'm going to go get into the shower, care to join?" I said with a suggestive smirk.

She got up off the bed and walked over to me. She put her hands on my waist as pulled me close. "As tempting as that offer is." She leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss. "I'm going to have to pass on that. There is still some tests I would like to run, in the med-bay." I frowned and she giggled kissing my forehead before pulling away. "Meet you in the console room?" I nodded and turned back to the bathroom.

I walked into the console room and and was met with the faces of Graham, Ryan and Yaz. "So where to?" I asked.

"Home for me." Yaz said.

"Home sounds good right now, yeah." Graham agreed.

"Definitely home." Ryan said as well.

"Ok." I said walking over to the console. The Doctor then appeared behind me and began to help me. We took off and the Tardis shook just like usual. "Hit the stabilizers."

"No, it's more fun this way." She replied. "We're nearly there!" The others grabbed onto the columns and the Tardis console itself as we tumbled through the vortex. The Doctor hit a lever and the Tardis began to release steam from the console.

"Are you sure you've got this under control?" Graham asked.

"Totally. New systems!" She said in her defense. "Just running them in." The Doctor moves her hand to push a few buttons.

"No, same systems, new desktop." I corrected her. When we finally landed I looked between the Doctor and Yaz, who was the closest to the doors. "Go ahead take a look." I urged her and she did so.

She opened the doors and looked outside amazed. "We're home! We're actually home!"

The Doctor was next and gasped in excitement. I moved out next to her as she held a look of pride on her face. "Yes! Result. See? I told you we'd do it."

"We're at Park Hill." Ryan said as he examined his surroundings.

"That's my flat, there!" Yaz exclaimed excitedly.

"What, you live at Park Hill? We're just up there." Ryan pointed down the street some.

"And I've got mobile signal again. But no messages." She said disappointed.

"Well, technically you've only been gone half an hour." I said leaning against the Tardis.

"What? Half an hour since we were with you two in that warehouse?" Graham asked and we nodded.

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