Tardis Riddles

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I woke up in my bed in the med bay. This time it wasn't the Doctor by my side. It was the whole crew. Graham, Ryan, and Yaz. They all sat around me, and of course the Doctor took her place by my side holding my hand in her own. "You're awake." The Doctor said with a sigh of relief. "You scared me, there for a moment." She said with a sad smile.

"I'm starting to make a habit of this." I said looking to the others. "Hi." I said.

"Give is a moment?" The Doctor asked and Graham nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Anything you need, Doc." He said getting up. "Come on guys." He began walking out and the other's began to follow.

"So what happened to me?" I asked her.

"I don't know." She replied. I could hear the frustration in her voice. "The scans keep saying your fine. That you are in perfect health, but clearly you're not. There's nothing I can do!" She shouted in frustration. "I don't know what to do.."

"Shh, it's ok." I said moving to sit up. I groaned in pain as my head started hurting. She turned to me immediately and tried to get me to lay back down. "Doctor.." I said and I paused waiting for her full attention. "I know you hate thinking it, or talking about it at all but-"

"No, don't even say what I think you are going to say." She shook her head pulling away.

"Doctor!" I shouted and she stopped in her tracks. "We tried, ok? That's what matters right now. That's what matters to me. We tried." She turned away and refused to look at me.

"No! I'm not giving up!" She stormed over and ran more and more tests. Some I could see were the same ones she ran before. She was double checking, triple checking everything. "There has to be a way!"

"Doctor, will you stop?" She didn't and I pushed myself up again. My headache returned but I pushed past it. I pulled out the IV and made to stand up. As soon as my feet touched the floor I waited until I had the confidence to stand.

When I did I fell to the floor. Still to weak to pushed myself but I did it anyway. "(Y/N)!" She exclaimed worried. She ran back over to my side to help me up off the floor. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to push yourself. I just.. I can't give up yet."

"I'm not giving up, Doctor." I said looking up at her. I put my hand on her cheek and brushed a strand of hair away. "But that doesn't mean we can't face the facts, and I think we should tell the others."

"I don't think that's a good idea.."

"You're not the only person that cares about me. What if something were to happen, hmm?" I asked. "I'm not going to leave you to explain to the others, why I'm gone." She opened her mouth to say something. "They are my friends too, and they deserve to know the truth."

"I still don't like this."

"Please? Let me do it, just in case something happened." I asked leaning towards her.

"Ok." She said finally giving in. I moved to get up and she helped me. "You need to rest first." She said and I climbed into the bed.

"What about you?" I asked laying back down in the bed. "Have you stopped worrying about me for more than ten seconds so you could take care of yourself?" I asked jokingly.

"I'm fine." She said sitting on the bed. "Don't worry about me."

"I have to worry about you, I'm your wife, that's kinda my job." I replied and she gave a small smile and a laugh. "Lay with me?" I asked and she nodded. I moved over and she laid down next to me. I curled up into her chest. "Something about this feels familiar.." I said playfully. She didn't know what I was talking about so I ran my hand to the hem of her shirt. Lifting it slightly to brush her bare side. She grabbed my hand with her own and pushed it away. "I also remember you throwing pasta at me, after I made us a nice dinner."

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