Traveling Across Desolation

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(AN: sorry for the super short chapter everyone. I've been having bad writers block and have lost motivation. I do promise to get my sh!t together tho. If I don't update this one soon, you can always read my 13 x reader one shot book. #selfpromo sorry not sorry.)

The tent disappeared and I let go of the Doctor putting my sunglasses back on. "He was a bit full of himself." She said.

"I've got a couple questions."

"A couple? I've got a book full." Graham put his own sunglasses back on. "But shouldn't we keep up with those two, before they get two far away?"

"Yes!" The Doctor walked towards the two  others in the distance before stopping and turning to face us. "Now I know this is a bit of a shock." She started.

Graham spoke before she could continue. "Well, you could say that. I mean, we have been dumped in space. We got space ships crashing all around us. Now we are marooned on a planet that everyone else is racing to get away from."

"Honestly Doctor, that sounds like a regular Tuesday for us." I said. The others made a face of shock but the Doctor moved on.

"All right, anyone can focus on the negatives."

"Well, what are the positives?"

"What he called the ghost monument, that's our ship. It's here." She said excitedly.

"What that old police box?"

"Didn't look all that." Ryan scoffed.

I giggled as the Doctor grew defensive. "It's very 'all that' thank you very much!"

"Don't worry Ryan, I thought the same when I first met the Doctor." I moved away from the four of them and continued to follow the trail left by the pilots.

"Don't you see? I got it mostly right. I tracked our Tardis here, but the planet had fallen out of orbit. We landed where the planet should have been." I looked back at the Doctor. She was still standing there. "Looks like the engines are stuck in a loop. Stuck phasing in and out of time and space. If we get to it phases in, I should be able to stabilize it, then we can get you back home." The Doctor gestured to herself and the empty space next to her. I smiled when she looked and I wasn't there.

I turned around and continued walking further into the desert. I looked back to see them following after me. I stopped to wait for them. "In case we can't find them," I pulled out the tracker I stole and handed it to her. "I stole that while you all were talking."

She took it and examined it as we moved. It began beeping and we followed in the direction it led us. "Good work, (Y/n)." We walked out of the desert towards what looked to be a coastline of sorts. There was burnt trees all over the beach. I was going to ask the Doctor what she thought, but when I looked up she was heading towards Epzo. He pulled a gun on Angstrom. "Oh please, put the blaster down. We all know you aren't going to use it. No killing, no injury, no sabotage isn't that what what's-his-face said?"

"Yeah well maybe I don't always play by the rules." Epzo replied.

I walked up beside the Doctor. "Did you practice those lines in the mirror?" She asked. "You see this?" She held out her pinky finger and put it in his throat. He froze, completely paralyzed. "Venusian aikido. I've got to master pacifist. Temporarily paralyzes, while also being fundamentally harmless. Very clever, those Venusian nuns. Shall I let go?" She asked Epzo. She let go and he gasped for air.

"This boat doesn't work." Angstrom said.

"Oh, me and Ryan will take a look." Graham replied.

"Will we?" Ryan was skeptical.

"Well, those NVQ classes must be good for something. An engine is an engine."

"Not a space engine!"

Epzo holstered his gun. "You don't get to take charge here. This is about me and her fighting to win."

Yaz stepped forward. "We are all going to the same place. That boat is big enough for all of us."

"Yaz is right, if we get it started, we all get on board." The Doctor said.

"I know what this is. You are all part of Ilin's game. You're saboteurs sent to throw us off."

"You think the whole universe is out to get you." Angstrom shook her head at Epzo.

"How's your family Angstrom?" He shot back and she went silent. Clearly her family was a sensitive subject for her.

I watched the Doctor crouch down and scan the water with the sonic. "So that's why he said don't touch the water. Flesh eating microbes. Millions of them living in there. Toxic atmosphere. Killer water. Very dangerous planet..."

"Well let's stop standing around and get that boat started, come on boys." I said hopping on board. I walked to where the engine was while Graham and Ryan followed.

"You were right. Not like any engine I've ever seen." Graham said glancing at me. I got the message that he wanted to be alone with Ryan. I climbed below deck to examine the engines.

With three suns it would have to be some form of solar power. I looked at the rigging and the feed lines. I didn't see anything wrong with the anything. "That's not an engine," Ryan said coming below deck with me. "It looks more like a giant battery. What if it's solar?"

"Well clearly it's solar, three suns in the sky? I'm good with engines, and space engines too." I looked from Ryan to Graham. "I can't seem to figure out what's wrong. Hey Doctor!" I shouted. I heard her footsteps outside the small entrance.

"(Y/n)? What happened? What do you need?" She seemed worried. She was so cute when she worried. I smiled and crawled out of the small space. She offered me a hand and I took it. Standing in front of her brushing sand off my clothes.

"Can you give us a hand? I have no idea what I'm looking at down here?" She took a single glance at the engine or battery, what ever you want to call it. Then one look outside.

"Yep, three suns in the sky. Tri-solar engineering panels on the outside powering that battery." She explained.

"Well if it won't start, then maybe the panels aren't lined up." Graham suggested.

"Or maybe they aren't feeding the battery properly." Ryan added.

"Loving your work, boy. Let's take a look." She said climbing down the hatch.

"I'm going to go check on Yaz, since you're down there." I said walking off the boat. I glanced over and saw Yaz and Angstrom talking, they seemed to be getting along quite well so I stayed put. There was a small buzzing noise and the boat came to life. The Doctor came to stand by my side.

"There fixed it." She said. I looked back over and saw Yaz and Angstrom look not so happy. "Up and running all aboard."

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