Chapter Two: MI6

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We followed the agent down the corridors through MI6. He and the Doctor took point while I followed shortly in behind her. "Over the past week, there's been a spate of attacks on intelligence officers worldwide, of every nationality." He explained as we walked. Each doorway was guarded by a man in uniform armed with an assault rifle. I turned to keep an eye on the others to make sure they didn't wonder off anywhere. "None of these attacks have been ordered by rival intelligence agencies."

"At least that's what you're all telling each other." The Doctor said.

"No, we have a very good working knowledge of what our enemies are up to." He replied with a nod.

"You said rival agencies." I spoke up and we stopped so C could look at me. "Is it possible it's not a rival? I mean allegiances can change."

"I'm sorry you are?" He looked at me curiously.

"Wow, files and files on the Doctor and you have no idea who I am." I scoffed glancing at her.

"She's my wife." She said with a smirk.

"(Y/n)." I added before the Doctor continued.

"And she brings up a very excellent point." The Doctor then looked at C with a questioning gaze.

"No, agency possesses the technology to carry out one of these attacks." He replied and we kept walking. "None of us understands how it was being done. Or even what has been done." The Doctor glanced at him curiously and I could tell this was right up our alley. Mystery and murder? Spies and disguises? Trying to keep the Doctor out of trouble was like trying to keep... well the Doctor... out of trouble. It's not gonna happen. "But every agent has suffered the same fate." We stopped outside a door with a biometric scanner. He placed his hand on it and after a moment the door unlocked. Inside was a hospital bed and state of the art monitoring equipment. Laying there was an agent of what seemed to be a coma with a tube in her throat.

"She was found unconscious on the floor of an aeroplane washroom on a flight to Tokyo." C paused for a moment to let the Doctor look her over. "She'd made pre-arranged contact with an informant."

"Is she in a coma?" Yaz asked.

"Could be." I said before adding. "If they resorted to preforming a tracheostomy and putting her on a ventilator there has to be something wrong with her brain function, we are literally hardwired to breathe. We can't control it." I said and the Doctor glanced at me curiously. "What? I dabble in medical science."

"Really? I didn't know." The Doctor said with a mild excitement on her face.

"Well it might come in handy if one of us was an actual doctor." I teased. She lightly hit me in the arm before turning to C.

"Ignore her." The Doctor called turning to look over the woman.

"Apparently, it's a little more horrific than that." He walked past us to stand on the other side of the bed. "Now, I'm told this is your area of expertise: dealing with the impossible." C said gaining the Doctor's attention and and curiosity. C handed her a tablet with live medical feeds of the agent.

"Your right, that is impossible." She narrowed her eyes questioningly looking over every bit of data. "Her DNA's been rewritten."

"Been there, done that. Wasn't fun." I said and C looked at me confused. I turned and gave the others a look. If you know you know.

"Every strand corrupted and reshaped. She's no longer human." The Doctor was beyond concerned. Now she was starting to worry, and if she was worried then so should we all. "Just a shell with a human appearance."

"Is she gonna live, Doc?" Graham asked.

"There's nothing of her to live." She responded. "It's like she's been erased. This is beyond any human technology."

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