Chapter Sixteen: Wardenclyffe

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"Yaz! It's not Edison!" The Doctor shouted into the phone as she ran down the road. I kept up with her with ease but Graham, Ryan, and most certainly Edison were having a hard time keeping pace. "I mean, it was, but it turns out it's aliens, too. They can look like anyone, so don't let anyone in! Tell Tesla! Tell Dorothy! Lock the door!" She went quiet for a moment and I watched the Doctor look worriedly at her phone. "Yaz?" She called. "Yaz, are you alright?"

"Doctor?" I asked as we quickly made a turn down a different alley then the one we came.

"Short range dog whistle." She pulled out her sonic and held it in the air. Her call with Yaz ended but she seemed worried as she pocketed her phone. "Tardis was on the train, she should be able to track us." The Doctor explained as the others caught up.

"What are we doing here?" Edison asked. I heard the familiar sound of the Tardis landing and she slowly materialized in front of us. The alley was so narrow that the Tardis nearly took up the whole space. "What is that?"

"Shut up and get in the box." I said as the Doctor opened the doors. I followed behind her as did Ryan. Leaving Graham to usher Edison in alone. "Doctor, what happened?" I asked rushing to the console.

"I don't know." She replied with a slight worried tone. "But I intend to find out." She raced around the console putting in the coordinates. "Hold on, the Tardis won't like this short hop very much!" She called as she pulled the final lever. I held onto the console with the Doctor while everyone else hung onto the pillars. We landed with a loud thud and the Doctor rushed to the doors. "You're alright." The Doctor said with a sigh. "You've probably got questions."

"They took them." Dorothy said. I stood leaning against the doorway behind the Doctor. The Doctor backed up, and so did I, letting Dorothy inside. "It's... it's.. bigger on the inside." I whispered at the same time as Dorothy as she looked around.

"Is it? Haven't noticed." I replied jokingly. Oddly similar to the Doctor when Martha was first aboard. Dorothy looked around in amazement and shock. I led her over to the steps off to the side and she sat down. I sat next to her and we watched the Doctor work.

"Where did they take them?" She asked fiddling with the Tardis. "We know they've got cloaking tech, but if I rig up a bypass..."

"Can you use the orb? Use it to track their signal?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Exactly what I was thinking, darling." The Doctor replied nonchalantly as she worked. "Luckily, high speed inventing is one of my specialisms."

"You work well under pressure, I can't lie." I replied encouragingly. "Look good too." I muttered lowly. She paused for a moment and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Clearly she heard me with her time lord hearing and I smirked at her.

I watched as Ryan then walked over and sat next to us. "First time here can be a lot."

"It certainly is.. a lot." Dorothy said in disbelief. "But you two take it in your stride." She looked from Ryan to me. "Where do you all even come from?"

"Yorkshire, England." Ryan shrugged. "I was at home, you know, living a normal life, work, then, boom, the Doctor. Changed my whole life."

"I was the same before I met Mr Tesla." Dorothy said fondly. "I wanted my own career, something steady, then he showed me all these discoveries that could be made. But it seemed like impossible things. And now, something normal, steady..."

"Doesn't seem so important." Ryan said and she nodded. "We'll get him back." Ryan said with a nod. I could tell she had feelings for Tesla, and so could Ryan. "She's good at impossible, too."

We glanced over at the Doctor while she worked and to fill in the silence I decided to share my first in counter with the Doctor. "My story is similar, except I was a drifter, I found work in America. I did private security for a man, he collected alien artifacts." I said and Dorothy looked at me with amazement. Ryan too. "Did I not tell you how I met the Doctor?" I asked him.

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