Making History

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(AN: Idk wtf is wrong with me, these chapters are getting shorter and short no matter how much I expand on certain scenes or add original stuff. I'm trying guys trust me I'm trying to at least be around 3k per chapter. I'm only 2.5k with this one and that includes text from the author's note.)

I sat behind the old rusted car with Graham and Ryan. Krasko was dressed in a mechanic suit with James Blake beside him. They looked at the bus Blake was supposed to drive and it was ripped apart. "Did you hear that? Everything we do Krasko is a step ahead." Graham whispered. "He must have deliberately smashed up that bus himself. I looked behind us and saw the Doctor sneaking around a truck.

"We've got to fix this." She bolted from her hiding spot to ours. "James Blake has got to drive Rosa's bus home tonight." Just as Ryan finished speaking the Doctor crouched down next to me.

"Krasko is being a pain." I said to her.

"He ain't giving up that easy." Graham added.

"Well neither are we. Ryan check every bus stop along Blake's route. Tell the waiting passengers that the buses are coming, and they have to wait." She said and he nodded in response. "Do not let any of the passengers walk. The bus has to be full. It has to be crowded enough so that Rosa is expected to move."

"Right got it." Ryan said getting up.

"Ryan wait, I'll come with you." I said and he nodded. "See you later." I whispered to the Doctor. Before I could get up she grabbed my collar and pulled me into a kiss. It was quick given the time crunch we were in. "What was that for?"

"I missed you." She said and I smirked.

"I should go fishing more often." I joked and she rolled her eyes. "Alright Ryan. Let's get a move on." I said and he followed my lead. The sun had began to set by the time we got to the first bus stop.

There was a slip of paper stapled to the bus route. "'Bus services suspended'" Ryan read aloud. "No, no, no Krasko." He tore the paper off and then turned to me.

"Ok you check these three stops." I said pointing out the closest ones on the list. "And I'll check out these three." He nodded and I tossed him the temporal displacement weapon.

"What's this for?" He asked.

"In case you run into Krasko." I said and he nodded. "Ok, let's go no time to lose!" I ran up street while he ran down the street. I made it to the next stop and saw a few passengers reading the sign. "Sorry about that!" I said grabbing the paper. "Some kids playing a joke. The bus will be here." I said and I squeezed past them and headed for the next stop. I ran as fast as I could, barely catching my breath. I was over exerting myself, the Doctor will not be happy... I could see people leaving. "No, I'm sorry, the busses are still running!" I pulled down the paper and some came back. Others began to walk. I was about to take off to the next stop but it was to late. The bus came around the corner and stopped.

I got on and sat next to the Doctor panting for breath. "Where's Ryan?" She asked.

"We had to split up, Krasko put papers on every stop saying that the bus services were suspended for the night." I explained and she nodded. "He should be here in the next stop."

"(Y/n), your nose." Graham said and I looked at him confused. The quickly pulled out a tissue from my pocket. "That happened before on that planet. Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, I just over exerted myself." I glanced at the Doctor. "I'll admit, this time I pushed myself to hard, it was either that or let Krasko change history." I explained and she seemed to understand but I could tell she was still worried for me. When the bleeding stopped I pulled the tissue away from my nose. "How do I look?" I asked her she glanced at my face.

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