The Greatest Woman We Ever Knew

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She was back! The Doctor was back! "I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universes. Now please, get off this planet while you still have a choice." She said that last line in a tone that sent a shiver down my spine.

"I chose to win!" The Stenza said and I assumed he also activated the bombs. He roared in pain and collapsed to the grating floor.

"Wrong choice!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry, I removed those nasty little things from my friends. Swiss Army Sonic. Now with added Sheffield steel. And I implanted them back in your creature." He groaned it what sounded like agonizing pain. Well it would be, seeing as they were disrupting his genetic code. "Transference wasn't just data, it was physical. You got everything transferred to you including six tiny bombs." I saw a weird dark blue liquid fall through the grating. Ew gross. "You had a choice, you did this to yourself." He screamed in pain. "Go home!" The Doctor threw him the circuit.

I saw Karl's shadow from beneath. "Karl don't!" I called but it was to late. Karl kicked Tim Shaw off the grating. I watched as he fell past me but he activated the circuit mid fall and teleported away.

"You had no right to do that!" The Doctor's tone held one of anger towards the crane operator.

"Doctor!" I called and she looked over towards me still holding onto the frame like a life line. "Do you think we can discuss this on the ground?!"

"Ah, yes, (Y/n) go to the cab and get Ryan and Yaz out of here. I'll take Karl."

"Ok! Be careful." I shouted before grabbing the frame and following it back towards where Ryan and Yaz were. I tried my best not to look down.

I needed to keep my mind occupied. I took one step after the other. "Daleks, aim for the eyestalk. Cybermen, emotional inhibitors. Weeping Angels, stare at them." Each enemy I listed was another step I took. Each weakness was another. I was almost free. "God I hate heights. Krillitanes, use the oil." Almost there. "Uh, Uh.." I stopped closing my eyes to think. "Ah fuck it. Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.." I said thinking of Dory from Finding Nemo. When in doubt channel your inner Disney. "Just keep swimming swimming." I made it to the cab with the others.

"We need to get out of here." Yaz said.

"I agree." I said making my way to the ladder. I was the first one on it, Ryan was the second and Yaz was the third. We slowly climbed our way down and it was a hell of a long climb. I was still kind of shaky from the crane arm. When we got to the bottom I looked over to Graham who was crouched down next to Grace. "Oh no..." I ran towards them, Ryan close behind me. "I'm so so sorry..." I turned at the sound of the Doctor running up. I held tears in my eyes as she looked between Grace and the others. I walked over to her and she pulled me into a hug, as I began to cry into her shoulder. Grace was such a good person, why did it have to be her? Even though we didn't know her that well, I could tell she had a good heart.

Yaz walked to the side and called for an ambulance to help take care of Grace. "She can't be gone..."

"Graham..." I started but stopped. Nothing I could say right now would make it better. If I had lost the Doctor, I know I would be the same.

We waited for the ambulance to arrive. The Doctor held my hand as they wheeled away her body. Graham went with them and Ryan looked as if he wanted to go to. "What about the car?" He asked Graham.

"No, Ryan. Go with him, we'll take care of everything ok?" I said putting a hand on his shoulder. He nodded holding his head down low as he climbed in the back with Graham. I grabbed the keys from Graham before he left and we three slowly made our way back to the car. I tossed the keys to Yasmin and she went to the driver's seat. We went to Grace's home and dropped off her car. "What should we do?"

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