Mourning the Dead

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(AN: Holy shit... I'm #5 in thedoctor tag!!! And over 3k views?!? Wtf! Thank y'all.)

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a room I'm becoming more and more familiar with in the Tardis. I looked over and saw the Doctor resting her head on my hand. She seemed to be asleep in the chair she sat in. I looked around trying not to move to much. My shoulder was extremely sore and I used my free hand to look at it. Sure enough there was stitches there. The door opened and I looked over as Graham slowly walked in. He looked surprised to see me up and was about to say something.

I quickly put a finger over my lips to gesture for him to be quiet. He did and I nodded my head to the Doctor. I could tell she was exhausted by how soundly she slept. She readjusted her head slightly and I could see the small hint of bags under her eyes. "It looks like she might be out for a while. Just keep your voice down." I whispered.

"How are you feeling?" He asked in the same low whisper.

"Like I took a bullet to the shoulder." I said with a smile and a small huff of amusement. "Ow." I winced after that and used my free hand to put pressure on it. It helped me feel better some what. "Ok, guess I have to take it easy on the jokes. That might be what kills me." Another smile went on my face but I didn't laugh this time. I looked over at the Doctor who was still sound asleep. "How long has she been there, like that?"

"Since she carried in here. She wouldn't leave you here alone, she refused to leave." I smirked down at her. Of course she wouldn't leave me. "Oh, you've got a nose bleed hang on." He said handing me a tissue.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I asked wiping the blood away. Luckily it wasn't much.

"A day I think, roughly, it's hard to tell time in here." He said gesturing to the Tardis.

"Yeah, I know it can get confusing." I looked over to the Doctor again when I felt her move some more. She was still asleep but I had my hand free. So I put it gently on her shoulder and began to slowly play with her hair.

"So about those nose bleeds, they're starting to become more common. Is something wrong?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine. It just happens sometimes." I said dismissively.

"(Y/n), your talking to a man who had to battle with cancer, I know a lie when I hear one." He said crossing his arms.

"Graham..." I sighed, I felt guilty he caught me lying to him.

"It's all right if you don't want to tell me. You just don't have to lie to me about it." He said and I nodded. "I'll understand."

"Thank you, Graham," I said looking back to him. "Thank you for understanding."

"You're welcome, now I'll just go ahead and leave then, let the two of you get some rest." He said looking over at the Doctor who was still sound asleep. I smiled back as he left. Soon it was just the  Doctor and I. I looked at her still sleeping soundly as I continued to play with her hair. Maybe Graham was right. I mean it would be nice to talk to someone else other than the Doctor about it. Graham also would understand, having been in my position before. He most certainly wouldn't be as overprotective as the Doctor was, so that was a plus.

I stopped playing with her hair and gently moved it out of her face. "Doctor." I whispered to her. She still didn't move. "Doctor.. wake up, come on." I moved my hand to her shoulder and gently shook her. I saw her eyes flutter open and she looked at me.

"(Y/n), your awake." She said rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She sat up straight and looked over to me.

"Yeah, have been for a little bit now. You look exhausted." I said as she reached for my hand. "Come here." I said moving over in the bed. She yawned before moving in next to me. "If you're going to sleep at my bedside, might as well be comfortable." I joked. She began to climb into the bed next to me. I turned to lay on my good side as she pulled me close to her. "Easy on the shoulder." I whispered as she began to lean her head on it.

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