Chapter Four: Vor

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(AN: I'm posting this now because fuck it, why not? If you all catch up to me so what I just started chapter 15 last night. I might as well spoil you while I can right? I hope your ready for a chapter full of angst and shit, it's definitely a trip, have fun. And don't yell at me for posting FandomQueen10325 I was challenged, and you know how I deal with "do it you won't" rules. Shit don't fly. 😆)

We stood in the janitor's closet for what felt like hours. Actually to be exact, it was nearly 8 hours and 45 minutes. Time lord, I can tell these things now. Cool but tedious. It was a bit tight in here so we were shoulder to shoulder no matter what way we turned. "Ryan are we clear?"

"Data from Barton's pass says he left hours ago. Everyone must have gone by now." He made to open the door but I stopped him.

"Wait, wait!" I put the glasses on and peaked my head out the door. I looked up at the camera and looped the feed from a few seconds prior. "Sonic sunglasses." I smirked walking out of the tight closet. There's a closet joke in there somewhere but in this moment I'm going to be mature and not make it. Yaz came out next, stop it. Then Ryan trailed behind with the equipment bag on his shoulder. "Ryan?" I asked and he handed me the pass. I walked over to the card reader and held the pass on the door.

"We're in." Ryan said excitedly when it lit up green. I could have used the sonic sunglasses, but I didn't want to kill their mood. They were 'spies' after all.

"Right, better be quick." Yaz called rushing to the desk.

"Wait!" I called but it was to late.

"What?" Yaz asked confused. I looked at the camera and used my sonic to loop the feed from a few seconds prior.

"You didn't even case the room for cameras did you?" I asked and she shook her head. "Well, the damage is done, let's get what we came for and get out." I told her looking around the room for any other I potentially missed during my first walk through.

"Right." Yaz nodded pulling out another small device. She set it on his computer and turned the dial. "We've got to be quick. If the Doctor's right, that should download every piece of data his computer has ever had access to." Yaz looked up as something caught her eye. It was a computer desk with three separate monitors.

"What? That thing over there?" Ryan asked. "Yeah, a bit creepy."

"He's got screens monitoring half the building." Yaz said shaking her head.

"Control freak, innit?" Ryan asked.

"Not really if you think about it." I told them walking over and examining it. "He was an ex spy from MI6 it makes sense that he would be cautious, also he's the head of a a company worth billions."

"How long do you reckon the thing is gonna take?" Ryan asked.

"Let's see." Yaz said walking over to the desk.

I looked over at the monitors and saw Barton walk in the front door. "Guys we might need to hurry this up. Barton is coming back." I told them and Ryan started panicking. "Ryan, relax. Keep watch on the door, I'll watch the cameras. Yaz." I turned to her and muttered. "Distract him." Gesturing told Ryan.

She nodded and I looked at the cameras. Barton was walking up the stairs. "Still clear?" Yaz called.

"Yep, all good." Ryan said he then glanced at me. "(Y/n)?"

"He's still on the stairs in the lobby." I glanced at Yaz and she made a face trying to think of something to talk about.

"You know my sister is still proper cross I haven't given her your phone number." Yaz said and I could see from the look in her eye that she regretted bringing the topic up.

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