Never a Normal Evening

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It was I tight squeeze fitting everyone into Yaz's car. Ryan, Grace and Graham had the backseat, while the Doctor sat in the front. "Well come on, (Y/n), don't be shy." The Doctor said and I climbed in and sat on her lap. The Doctor put the seatbelt over us as I leaned into her chest. She was different slightly less awkward about us. Eleven was to childish and twelve was sometimes too blunt, but thirteen seemed to be a wonderful mix of the two. She wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me steady. "I don't want you to get hurt if there was an accident." She readjusted the belt so it held me firmly against her.

"That was very smooth." I whispered as Yaz started the car.

"You think?" She asked with a smirk.

"Yeah just a little bit though." I said back with a playful smile.

"Oh, ok." The Doctor replied.

"I'm going to be in so much trouble if they find I was there." Yasmin said driving down the road.

"Could we have the lights and siren on?" The Doctor asked I rolled my eyes, maybe she was more childish than eleven.

"No! I shouldn't be doing any of this." Yasmin exclaimed.

"So you three know each other?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm his Nan, Graham's my husband." Grace explained.

"Second husband." Ryan corrected.

"Don't feel bad Graham, I'm her third." I said with a smirk. "Actually fourth." Even though she was a new regeneration, she was still my Doctor, and I still knew how to wind her up.

"Oh don't start, I told you those two were accidents! I didn't mean them!"

"How do you accidentally marry queen Elizabeth the first? So much for history and the virgin queen." I said crossing my arms. "And then there was Marylin Monroe!"

"She tricked me! How was I supposed to know that was a real chapel? It was Las Vegas!" I giggled as the Doctor grew defensive. "So you two know each other as well?" She asked Yasmin and Ryan changing the subject.

"Yeah. Yaz and I were at school together." Ryan explained.

"Not Yasmin Khan?" Grace asked.

"Hello, Ryan's Nan." Yaz replied.

"Haven't you done well for yourself, love?" Grace said continuing with the mini reunion.

"And you say you just found it there, this thing?" The Doctor asked Ryan.

"Yeah pretty much. I took pictures." Ryan handed up his phone and I grabbed it from him.

"Good lad." I held it as the Doctor examined it and zoomed in and out on it with her free hand. "That's exciting." She said looking at the picture. "No. Not exciting. What do I mean?"

"Worrying?" I asked seeing as it clearly wasn't exciting. "But I suppose anything worrying is exciting to you so.."

"Fast as you can Yaz." The Doctor said still examining the photo. I shifted some in her lap to get more comfortable and ended up sitting across it rather than in it. I leaned my head on her shoulder as she moved her arm around me.  I shifted my left arm around the head rest and into her shoulder as I tucked myself closer to her. "Better?" She asked in sarcastic way.

"Much." I said back and continued to hold the phone for her. After a few more minutes I handed the phone back and Yasmin parked the car. I heard the Doctor unbuckle the seatbelt and open the door. I climbed out and stretched. We followed Ryan into the woods and we stopped near a somewhat cleared area.

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