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(AN: I'm moving up in the world guys. I'm #2 in TheDoctor tags, but I can't live with that y'all. In the great wise words of Ricky Bobby. "If you ain't first, you're last." So help me let's get this shit to #1!)

"Who are you?" The Doctor asked stepping forward.

"Doctor!" I said harshly reaching for her hand. She pulled away to stand on her own.

"Hand me your king." The new Becka Savage said. Her voice deep and gravely like her grandmother's.

"What?" King James exclaimed in shock.

"Haven't you got your own king?" The Doctor said back. "Or is he hiding?"

"He does not hide. He waits." It corrected. "We have all waited for too long, trapped in the hill."

"Pendle Hill." The Doctor said below her breath.

"Our prison." The creature added. "The mighty Morax army, captured and imprisoned on this pitiful planet for war crimes."

"Pendle Hill is a prison for an alien army!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"Yeah, I think we've established that." I said from behind her.

"Oh, well, it's obvious when you put it like that." Graham said sarcastically.

"Imprisoned no more! The lock was broken." The Morax said.

"What lock? How was it broken?" The Doctor asked.

"Now the Morax army shall rise again and take form. Your king shall be filled with our king, and we shall be free to fill all of you." She continued ignoring the Doctor. "To fill this whole planet with rage and force, and hate, and Morax!" Suddenly she and the others let out a blast from their hands, like the one that killed Alfonso. I fell back and suddenly the world turned black.

"Destination?" The Doctor called steering the spaceship. We had just been saved from the Master, the Doctor, Wilfred, and I. Now we were heading back for the Naismith mansion.

"Fifty kliks and closing." Addams said. She was green and cactus like. "We've locked on to the house. We are going to stop though, Doctor?" She asked. "We are going to stop?"

"What are you planning?" I asked him. He wouldn't look at me.

"Doctor? Doctor you said you were going to die." Wilf said.

"He said what?" Addams exclaimed.

"No, no you're not!" I shouted. "No, I won't let that happen."

"But is that all of us? I won't stop you, sir. But is this it?" Wilford asked. The Doctor pulled up at the last second and opened a hatch.

"I'm sorry." He said to me before jumping.

"No!" I ran and jumped after him. I fell slightly past him and he put the gun in his hand away before catching me. He turned himself at the last minute and his back went through the glass roof. Then hit the floor. I pushed myself off of him and brushed the glass from my sides. "Are you ok?" I asked him.

He groaned in pain as he laid on the marble floor. He looked around and quickly got to his feet. Pulling the revolver towards the gate. Where there stood five Time Lords. I quickly stood behind him and made myself less of a target. "My Lord Doctor, my Lord Master." One said and I glanced behind me to see the Master was there looking very proud at this moment. "We are gathered for the end."

"Listen to me, you can't!" The Doctor said to the new Time Lords.

"It is a fitting paradox that our salvation comes at the hands of our most infamous child." He said looking behind the Doctor to the Master.

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