Chapter One: Resolutuion

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Planet Coraxium, 89th century New Year's Day

"Doctor!" I shouted running across the catwalk. There were loud explosions everywhere. "Doctor!" I shouted again as I ducked down low to dodge the rogue firework. Yaz and Graham had already made it to the Tardis. Ryan and I were nearly there. I hadn't seen the Doctor since the fight we had with the Coraxians. We stopped in our tracks being cut off by the guards of the royal palace. The clicking of there bug like mandibles and the skittering of their centipede like legs as they came closer. "Oh we're in some deep shit now." I called looking to Ryan.

"Where's the Doctor?" He asked panting for breath.

"I don't know." We stood back to back. Fireworks going off all around us in various colors and shapes. Some had no name in English. The guards got closer. Two behind us and one in front blocking our exit. "Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. You see we aren't from around here." I said but that didn't seem to faze the guard. It's spear extending, bolts of purple electricity bouncing around the ends like a giant cattle prod. "Fuck."

"Oi, Karvax! Looking for me?" The Doctor called from behind the guard in front of me. He turned suddenly and let out a loud screeching hiss. I had to cover my ears at the sound, and so did Ryan. "Well come and get me!" She stood still with a smirk on her face, arms outstretched making herself an easy target. Karvax rushed towards her and chased her as she bolted down another part of the catwalk.

"Run!" I shouted to Ryan and we both ran as fast as we could the other direction. The other two guards chased after us close on our heels hissing. "Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuck!"

"Not helping!" The Doctor said merging from another catwalk to ours.

"Where the hell have you been?!" I yelled as we all ran.

"Setting up a hologram to occupy Karvax and the others!" She replied. Suddenly there was a loud screeching echoed then by the guards behind us. "And he's figured out it's a hologram."

"Next time I pick the location!" I shouted.

"Where's the Tardis?" Ryan yelled as we turned a corner.

"It should be the next left!" The Doctor ran ahead and pulled out her key. She rushed to the blue doors and fumbled with her key.

"Doctor!" I yelled.

"I'm trying!" She picked up her key and slipped it into the lock. She opened the doors and Ryan ran in past her. I ducked as the guard took a swing at me with his spear. I got to my feet and took off again. "(Y/N)! Come on!" The Doctor yelled holding out her hand. I didn't take it, instead I tackled her to the ground on the inside of the Tardis. The doors creaked closed behind me. I pushed myself up on my hands and knees looking down at her. "Well." She paused looking me in the eye with a small smile. "That could have gone better."

"You think?" I asked sarcastically. I got off of her and offered her my hand. She took it and I pulled her to her feet with ease. "Honestly, I don't think I'll ever get used to this." I said with a small smile flexing my arms slightly. Though my muscle tone was lean, and fit, I was nearly twice as strong as any human. "The adrenaline rush, my stamina, my muscles." I listed off with a small smile.

"Some of which I'll be putting to use later." The Doctor said under her breath as she fiddled with the console.

"You what?" Yaz called somewhat shocked.

"Nothing!" She said with a nervous laugh and quickly smiled.

I smirked before walking over to help with the console controls. "I think I'm a bad influence on you." I said back.

"I'll say, that's the second innuendo she's made this trip." Graham called causing the Doctor to blush. "Maybe we should just give you two the room." He joked and I watched as her face grew redder.

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