The Heart of Kerblam

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(AN: I have officially finished the second disc of my DVD's now all we have left is one more disc and we will be done...)

We stood outside shoot that sent packages to dispatch. "Get ready for stick it to rule number one." Ryan told us.

"I'm enjoying this plan already." I said with a smile on my face.

"You did this in your last job?" Yaz asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "Once."

"How did it go?" She asked again.

"Really badly." He said looking at the shoot. "Sprained ankle and a final warning.

"Just how I like it, best friends, and bad ideas." I said walking up to the shoot.

"Come on, we have to find Kira." Charlie insisted.

Ryan grabbed onto the bar hanging above the shoot entrance. He was about it go but stopped and backed away. "You should know I have a coordination problem-"

"Ryan, are you going or not?" I cut him off. "Or are you a chicken shit?" I asked and he shook his head. He grabbed the railing and swung himself down the shoot. I did the same and followed after him. While the others were screaming for there life. I was laughing at how fun this was. Clearly I was spending to much time with the Doctor.

"Are you sure about this?!" Yaz shouted over the other's screaming. "We'll be safe, won't we?!"

"Probably not!" I shouted back. "But it's more fun that way!" I laughed.

"We should be safe, definitely! I mean, the parcels are safe!" Ryan shouted back at us. "We're just parcels now."

I covered my face as we moved fast through plastic sheets. "But the parcels get wrapped in bubble wrap to protect them!" Charlie shouted up.

"From what?!" Yaz asked.

"I guess were about to find out!" I said as we approached a downward slope ahead.

"From that!" Charlie shouted and we all scrambled to get further back up the conveyor belt.

"Did you ever like roller coasters?!" Yaz asked.

"We're gonna die!" Charlie screamed.

"We're going too fast!" Yaz shouted frantically.

"Whooohooo!" I shouted as we went over the edge. I found this to be fun but the others were scared they were going to die.

We all slid safely onto the next belt. "I did it! That was amazing!" Ryan said excitedly. "We're amazing!" He slowly got into a crawling position and reached over Yaz and I. "Charlie, your the man!" He said giving Charlie a high five. Charlie lost his balance and fell off the belt. We all looked over the edge and called his name.

I watched as he landed safely onto another belt. "We're coming!" Yaz shouted.

"I can't jump down there." Ryan said looking at the space in between the two belts.

"Of course you can!" Yaz said reassuringly. "We all can, right?" She asked us and I nodded in response. "On one," she said standing up. She took Ryan's hand and we all prepared to jump. "Two." She counted and Ryan covered his eyes. "Three!" She shouted and we all jumped to the belt below. Everyone made it but as my foot hit the moving belt below, it slipped from under me. "(Y/N)!" Yaz shouted reaching for my hands. They slipped from her grip and the only thing I could grab onto in that moment was the belt.

"Help!" I shouted trying to pull myself up. Ryan grabbed my arm and, Yaz the other. They both pulled as hard as they could and got me back on the belt. I flopped down in my back to catch my breath. "What ever you do," I said in between breaths. "Do not tell the Doctor what just happened." I said with a smile. I pushed myself up to sit with them.

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