Chapter Two: Separate Ways

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(AN: I crushed this episode in a day, I mean it literally took me all day, but I've finished it. Hopefully it will be enough to earn some sort of forgiveness for the wait of the promised sequel. Now I will be busy today, but when I find time, I'll start series 12. There will be a lot of split POV so I did that in Resolution to test the waters.)

I laid back on the bed letting out a frustrated breath. My old room was still here. The Tardis hadn't gotten rid of it, and for that I thanked her. She gave a small hum in acknowledgment. What was the Doctor's problem? She had no issue going to Rusty before she regenerated for help when she needed it. Was this her just being to stubborn? Possibly. I turned on my side and spun my rings on my finger. I took off my wedding band and looked at the Gallifreyan inscription on the inside. '(Y/n) and the Doctor Always and forever.' I sighed before closing my eyes.

"Did you get the right place?" I asked as the Doctor bounded around the Tardis, hair ruffled, pin striped suit with a slight wrinkle.

"Yes, (Y/n)." He replied with a sigh.

"How about guest list? Did you send out the invitations?"

"Yes, this morning." He replied in the same dull tone.

"Your suit, is it ready?"

"Yes." He sighed before meeting my gaze. "Everything is done, everything is fine. All we have to do is show up." He smiled and it somewhat reassured me. I took in a breath and let out a sigh.

"Sorry, it's just everyone will be there. I'm nervous. What if I mess up?" I said and he stopped what he was doing.

He looked up at me and walked over. He gently placed his hands on my cheek and made me look up. "You will be fine, ok? Don't think about them. It's just you and me." He placed a small kiss on my forehead and I smiled.

"We're getting married." I said with a small grin.

"We are." He replied with the same excited look. He pulled away and went back to the Tardis controls.

"Is Jack coming?" I asked with a smirk. Bringing him up seemed to sour the Doctor's mood. "Oh don't make that face. I know how you feel about him, but he's my best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend?" He asked.

"Yes you are, but now you're my fiancé so it doesn't count." I said causing him to smile. "Martha, and Mickey, Sarah Jane, K-9, come on Jack needs to be there." I walked over to him and gave him a pointed look. I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow. Surely if we could have figures of history there like Elvis, Benjamin Franklin, the president of Mars, and Pythagorus in one place it would cause some sort of strain on the timeline. What was one more? Why not have a walking fixed point that can't die?

"Fine! I'll see what I can do." He replied with a huff of annoyance.

"Thank you." I told him as I leaned in to kiss him. "Hey," I called gaining his attention again. "I love you."

"I love you." He replied. He kissed my forehead again and pulled away a small mile on his face. "Now!" He shouted catching me off guard. "Enough wedding talk." He said as he bounded around console.

"Where are we going?" I asked excitedly.

"I was thinking something romantic, eh? Paris 1863?" He asked and I smiled.

"What's in Paris 1863?" I asked holding onto the console.

"No idea." He hit the dematerialization lever and the Tardis shook violently.

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