The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos

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(AN: I know I've been gone for a long while, and believe me I want to continue to write this story to the end but for some reason I just can't. My mind won't let me, and I can't force myself to write what I'm not interested in or it won't be as good as before. If your interested I have other random stories I could post {not DW} just let me know in the comments below. This is the last chapter I have prepared and sorry ahead of time for the inconvenience and inconsistencies with my posting habits.)

I stood with the Doctor looking down at the Tardis console. The lights were flashing and alarms were going off. "Most systems are lit up like a Christmas tree." Graham said looking at the display.

"Nine cries for help, nine distress signals, all coming from the same planet." The Doctor said then she looked up from the systems the others. "Not just the same planet. The same area of the same planet.  Now listen, planet of Ranskoor Av Kolos."

"Ranskoor Av what?" Yaz asked confused.

"Kolos." The Doctor repeated. "Roughly translated, means 'disintegrator of the soul.'" She said and my heart dropped. This was it. My final battle. The place where I die. I watched the Doctor work and I could feel my body shudder. Is this the last time I will see her again? Or the others? Should I prepare to say goodbye?

"Ooh another cheery one." Graham said sarcastically. He then looked to me. "(Y/n), everything all right? You've looked like you've seen a ghost." He said and I snapped out of my trance.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said trying my best to act normal.

"The Tardis is reporting that the planet is transmitting violent, psychotropic waves throughout its atmosphere. The type of waves that mess with your brain. Distort reality. Change moods to the extreme." The Doctor said. She pulled out small patches and handed them to each of us. They had intricate layers of micro circuitry laced within them. "These are neuro balancers. So long as you're wearing one, it should keep you immune to the waves." She came up to me and put mine on for me.

"What happens if we lose them?" Ryan asked as she finished fixing my neuro balancer.

"Don't lose them!" She said back.

"And it has to be us, does it, answering these signals from this planet?" Graham asked looking at the nero balancer in his hand.

"No, not at all." The Doctor said. "But everyone else has passed them by. You think we should do the same? I locked on to a craft on the planet's surface." She said and I was on the fence if we should go or not. If we went it would be my end, but if I prolonged it. Maybe I wouldn't have to die today. "Here we go." The Doctor said before I could speak up. She pulled the lever and the Tardis began to land.

The Doctor opened the door and stepped out. Ryan went after her and I went next. The ship was dark and seemed a wreak. I chose this time to speak my mind. "I don't think we should be here." I said in a low whisper. "Doctor, we should go."

"We're apart of events now, (Y/n). You should know that by now." She said continuing to explore. "This is one of the ships that sent a distress signal. It looks pretty abandoned now." She continued to look around the room listing interesting things she saw. "Cryosleep chambers. Long-ranged craft. Weapons archive. Been in service a long time by the looks of things. Who sent the signal? Where's the crew?" I looked behind her and saw a man armed with a gun.

"I think we have more urgent problems." I said slowly raising my hands. Ryan did the same and the Doctor slowly turned around.

"Hi." The Doctor said.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

"I'm the Doctor, this is (Y/n), Yaz, Ryan, and Graham." She said gesturing to each and everyone of us.

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