Chapter Four: The Good Dalek Returns

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(AN: This is the end of the episode but I wrote an epilogue that I'll release tomorrow I'm still writing spyfall, and ideally I won't start posting until I'm at least 1/2 through the series. I'm skipping 2 episodes so I might be done sooner than you think.

There are a handful of scenes in here that my friend said would be amazing if I added them so I did. Also I want to have a relationship with Rusty on retainer so I can write my own stories, like I might write a replacement story for orphan 55 or something. But Rusty is coming back! It feels weird almost like I'm turning a Dalek into like K-9 or something 😂 this is a long note, my bad y'all.)

"How'd it go?" Yaz asked as the Doctor rushed into the Tardis. "What happened?"

"Did you get rid of it?" Ryan asked.

"Not quite." So many questions not enough time, or enough good answers.

"How much 'not quite'?" Yaz asked concerned. The Doctor continued to the console with her proverbial tail between her legs as she fiddled with the Tardis controls.

"Not at all. Slightly riled it, and let it get away." She finally turned to face them.

"What?" Ryan asked with what almost sounded like a tone of disappointment.

"And now it's in a tank, trying to summon the fleet." She added. Ryan sighed tuning his hands down his face.

"Doctor!" Yaz exclaimed like a disappointed parent.

"Alright! Don't go on about it! I know!" She snapped back. "They're really persistent." She pulled down another lever and put them back into the vortex.

"What about (Y/n)?" Ryan asked.

"Do not, tell (Y/n)!" She said shaking her head. "I'll never live it down."

"No! Where is she?" He asked. "Didn't she say she was coming back with help?"

"Ah, yes." The Doctor paused. "She is, but it's gonna be some time." She replied. The Tardis gave a chime and the Doctor looked over at the monitor. "It's flying right through their airspace. Where's it going?" The Doctor's phone started ringing again and she picked it up. "Darling, now is not the time. I'm in the vortex so I can't give you my coordinates at the moment, just sit tight and I'll let you know when."

"Ah, thanks Doc." Graham replied and the Doctor froze.

"Oh, hi Graham."

"You're in the Tardis?" He asked.


"You better be coming to pick me up." He replied.

"Ok, fine." She replied.

"Right." He said. "Thank you." With that they both hung up their phones.

"Well that was embarrassing." She said as she began landing the Tardis. Yaz went to fetch both Graham and Aaron. Might as well bring him along. No time to sit and explain. Once they were on board the Doctor put them into the time vortex checking the scanners for the Dalek. "Woah! Huge heat signal. And a non-terrestrial form moving away from it fast!" The Tardis started shaking. "I'm on its tail. Sorry the Tardis isn't designed for these short hops." She pulled a lever and everyone fell to the ground.

"Got any 2's?" I asked holding my cards up.

"Negative. Acquire an aquatic species." Rusty called. He had his casing open and he held up his cards with his little tentacles.

"It's just 'go fish'." I said drawing a card.

"What is the purpose of this?"

"Pass the time, have fun." I said with a shrug. "We're waiting for the Doctor to call."

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