It Takes You Away

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I stood in the forest on the mountain side with Graham, Ryan, and Yaz. "Ah, nice fjord." Graham said looking down the mountain to the valley below. "That is a fjord, innit?" He asked and I looked behind me to see the Doctor had just eaten some dirt. Great. "Got your bearings yet, Doc?"

"Norway, definitely Norway." She said. "One of the frilly bits on top." She said and a sheep bleated behind her. "Stay back!" She called to us before pulling out her sonic. She scanned the sheep before it ran off into the woods bleating again. "It's fine." She said reading the sonic. I rolled my eyes before moving to stand next to her. "It's only 2018. I thought we'd leapt to the Woolly Rebellion." She said.

"Sorry, what?" Yaz asked confused.

"The Woolly Rebellion." The Doctor said again thinking we would understand the second time. "In 193 years, there's a total renegotiation of the sheep-human relationship. Utter bloodbath."

"I've always fancied the idea of Norway." Graham said changing the subject. "What bit's this?" He asked.

"Don't know." The Doctor replied. She picked up some more soil and ate it.

"Doctor, will you please stop eating the dirt?!" I exclaimed. "Never in my life did I think I would have to say that." I said after in my normal tone of voice.

"25 miles away, there's an alpaca farm and a gift shop," she said. "With a very low TripAdvisor rating. Soil?" She offered and I scoffed shaking my head and rubbing my temples in frustration.

"I'll give it a miss, ta." Graham replied.

"There's a nice little house out there." Ryan said pointing at the house through the trees. It was off in the distance and looked pretty big.

"Oh, yeah." The Doctor said coming to stand in between Graham and Ryan to look at the house. "A cottage in Norway in winter with a chimney, but no smoke."

"Maybe nobody is home? Or they rent it out or something?" I suggested. "We should just leave it be." I said as birds began to fly around it. It did give off horror movie vibes, and the Doctor knew I was uncomfortable with going.

"Maybe. Shall we take a walk?" The Doctor replied.

"I don't really think I have a choice in the matter do I?" I asked and she took my hand.

"Nope." She said leading the way with me being dragged behind her.

"Me and your nan used to talk about coming to Norway." Graham behind us.

"And what stopped you?" Ryan asked as we followed the path through the woods. The house grew closer and so did my feeling of something not being right.

"Well," Graham replied. "Just never got around to it, you know." When we crossed the threshold of the property the windows looked as if they were hastily barricaded. And most definitely looked like a horror movie. "Huh, look at that. Someone got a bit over-excited with the DIY." Graham said.

"Nope, that's it time to go, that was meant to keep something in, or something out. And I'm not staying around to find out which." I said trying to walk away. The Doctor's grip on my hand tightened and she pulled me to her. "This is the basic start to every horror movie. Group of friends find scary house in the woods, group of friends explore creepy house, group of friends end up dead."

"That's just in movies." The Doctor said.

"Not when you're around." I replied. "Now lets just turn around and go away while we can."

"Stop being so scared." The Doctor replied. "But you are right, those panels look more like barricades then repairs."

"It looks like it was abandoned." Yaz added.

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