The Ux

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(AN: I think there may only be two or three chapters left to go. I'll try to make it interesting...)

When we landed in the ship we were all disoriented. Me the most. My vision was doubled and I could hear strange whispers in the back of my head. And a laugh that wasn't pleasant. Almost as if it was mocking me. "Whatever happened to doors? Don't aliens bother with doors?" Ryan asked.

When my eyes focused the room was dark with very low lighting. I looked to the Doctor for any sort of clue to what we were doing next. "The building dragged us in." She had said.

"So they know we're here." Graham said.

"Be quiet." Paltrkai pushes his way past us to get to the front of the group. "And get moving. Come on." He said to Yaz. "You all know what you have to do." He said splitting off from the group. We all followed his lead and split into our teams of two.

The Doctor and I walked down a different corridor than the others. This one was wider and had lights all along it. "Well at least we can see." I said turning off my light to save the battery.

"Are you ok?" The Doctor asked concerned. I looked at her worried face. I didn't have the heart to tell her.. no not right now. It would break her hearts and she wouldn't be able focus on saving the crew. She would just focus on saving me. But there is nothing she can do. And I didn't want her to feel useless, and guilty.

"I'm fine why?" I asked looking back down the corridor.

"(Y/n), I know there's something you're not telling me." She said and I just shook my head denying it. I started walking again. "(Y/n)." She said grabbing my arm stopping me. "Tell me what's wrong?" I stopped and hesitated. "You promised, no more secrets and lies."

I looked at her saddened. Maybe I should just tell her the truth. I looked up to her and opened my mouth to finally tell her the truth. "I'm fine, honestly. I just don't like it here." I said with complete confidence. And I felt my face contort into one of freight. "I just... don't want anything to happen to you..." I said with concern. I felt a few tears run down my face and the Doctor's features turned from seriousness to sympathetic. It was weird, it didn't feel like me. Like I had no control over my body within that moment. The Doctor stopped and pulled me into a hug that I didn't know I needed.

"Nothing is going to happen to me. I promise." She said sincerely. When she pulled away it finally felt like I was me again. It was weird. But was most likely the atmosphere and my emotions getting to me.

I ignored it and kept going with the Doctor following behind me. She walked a little bit in front me as I explored some of the different corridors. "Hi." The Doctor said and that caught my attention. I stayed hidden and looked around the corner. A woman stood at the far end with a weapon of some sort. I looked to the Doctor and saw her give the slightest shake of her head. I stayed put.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"I'm no one." The Doctor replied. "But I have something you might be interested in."

"Where is the object?" The woman asked. I watched from my hiding spot worried the Doctor may be shot.

Go! Go! Stand with her! Go!

The voice said in my head. It was loud and painful. I closed my eyes and pushed it away the best that I could. "Never talk in the face of a gun. Point of principle. Please put it down." I opened my eyes when the pain subsided and looked out at the Doctor. "It's gonna be like that, is it? Fine." The Doctor sounded almost annoyed with the woman's lack of response. "I've attached a couple of explosive devices to your object here on my back. So shoot and you jeopardize whatever this thing is. And what is it?" The woman still remained silent. "Come on share with the class!" The Doctor said frustrated.

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