Chapter Fourteen: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

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"Doctor this way!" I shouted rushing to a door. "It's locked." I said turning to her.

"Not for long." Instead of pulling out her sonic screwdriver she just backed up and kicked it open. She rushed in and I followed. I nearly stumbled into her when she suddenly stopped. "Oh, hi!" She called to a man and a woman who seemed to be cowering behind some crates. "I don't suppose you've seen anything weird around here?" There was a gunshot and I quickly grabbed the Doctor's coat and pulled her down. "I'll take that as a yes. Mind if we join you?" She asked as she nudged me towards the other couple. Suddenly a man fell down the stairs dead. The Doctor and I, as well as the other two looked over the body.

"It's mr Brady." The woman said.

"Why would a potential investor be shooting at us?" The man asked.

"More urgently, who shot at him?" The Doctor asked.

"Doctor, down!" I shouted as I saw the bolt of green headed our way. She did as I asked as did the others and the bolt hit the wall above our heads.

"Run!" The Doctor called pushing me first then trailing behind. The other two followed behind asking questions along the way.

"Who are you two?!" The man asked.

"People with a fast way out of here!" The Doctor replied.

"Ha! Here we go, perfect get away vehicle!" The Doctor called opening the compartment door. I pushed past her and collapsed in a seat next to Graham, and by seat I mean a stack of wooden crates. Everyone, bar the Doctor of course was wearing era appropriate clothing, tailored suits all around, bar Yaz who chose a dress. I chose a partial suit that had a more feminine touch to it, oh and a fedora. Love a good fedora. "Full speed, straight to New York. What did I say? Night train, right on schedule."

"Did you find out what was causing this energy thing, then?" Ryan asked.

"Nope!" I called back and the Doctor hit the brim of my hat causing it to cover my face. "Rude." I said fixing it.

"But we found these two." She then gestured to the people behind her.

"Welcome to the Orient Express. We travel in style." Graham said taking off his hat.

"This is Graham, yaz, Ryan, and (Y/n) whom you've already met." She gestured around the room and I gave them a small wave when they got to me. "We were doing the sights when I picked up a funny energy reading. Thought I'd check it out. Ran into a tiny bit of trouble at the plant."

"Tiny? Someone shot at us... twice!" I called and she knocked my hat down again. "Hey!"

She smiled at our new guests. "Nothing to worry about. We've lost them. So here we are. I'm the Doctor by the way."

"Why don't you tell me who you are and who's shooting at you?" She asked.

"Dorothy, Dorothy Skerritt." The woman said offering her hand to the Doctor.

The man stepped forward and offered his hand. "I am Nikola Tesla, and I assure you, I have no idea."

"Tesla..." The Doctor said star struck. "I knew you looked familiar!" She called excitedly before turning to the others. "It's only Nikola Tesla!" She was being such a fan girl right now it was adorable.

"Who?" Yaz asked.

"Nicholas something." Ryan said.

"You seriously don't know who he is?" I asked them and they shook their heads. I knew of him, though not to the extent of the Doctor. I knew vague things from passing conversations. He was an inventor, rival to Thomas Edison, and had a hand in what would become radio. The Tesla coil, everyone knows that right?

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