The Ghost Monument

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I woke up with a pounding in my head. I heard an alarm of some some sort blaring. I pushed myself out of the what looked to be a med pod. "Oh, my head..." I groaned rubbing my temples. I looked up and Yaz had just pushed out of her pod. "Yaz, you ok?" I asked and she nodded. I heard the Doctor in the distance in what sounded like an argument. "Come on let's go see what trouble she's dragged us into now." I said and she nodded.

"Where's Ryan, and Graham?" She asked as we neared the door.

"No idea, I've only just woken up. The same as you." We began making our way towards the Doctor's voice.

"How can a planet be in the wrong place? It should've been back there, where I scooped you up. We should be in its gravity belt by now." The man stated. He must be the captain.

"Well, we're not." The Doctor replied.

"I can see that." He said frustrated.

"Hi." Yaz said drawing the attention of the room. She looked between the captain and the Doctor. "I can smell burning."

The captain looked surprised to see us and then turned back to the controls. "You were right. They are still alive."

"Yaz, (Y/n), you two need to stay locked in the med pod." She turned back to look out the front of the ship. "There! The planet's there." She said frantically pointing in front of us.

"Where's Ryan and Graham?" Yaz asked.

"How can it be there?" The captain said in disbelief.

"Does it even have a name?" I stumbled forward and the Doctor caught me. "You alright?"

"I'm fine just dizzy." I stood up straight hand on the Doctor's elbow for support.

"Only a symbol. Or a warning. The closest word is... " he paused for a moment thinking of the word. "Desolation."

"Of course it is!" I laughed. Just our luck, first we fall from the Tardis, then we get lost in the middle of space, and now we were heading for a planet known only as 'Desolation.'

"Right, I can do this. I'm not going to be beaten." The captain made his way back to controls in the wall. "Move." He said to Yaz harshly before pushing her to the side. "I still got a few tricks up my sleeve." He moved to the grating and pulled it up.

"Manual shield activation." The Doctor said as he began to activate the shields. "Wow, this thing should be on Antiques Roadshow."

"Right! Blast shields up. Don't know how long they'll last for though." He made his way back to the main controls. I pushed away from the Doctor and went to one of the monitors.

"Brilliant! We're about to crash land on Desolation. Real grounds for optimism."

"Do you not understand anything? I can't even get us there!" He went to a control panel and the wires sparked. "Because of the fuel I wasted scooping you three up!

I looked at a diagram of the ship. According to this if we jettisoned a portion of the ship, we should have enough fuel to get us there. "I'm on a spaceship. Okay." Oh I may have forgotten about Yaz.

"Oh sorry Yaz, welcome to space." I gestured to the ship around us. More sparks flew off the wall and I ducked as they flew my way. "If we had the Tardis, it would've been a much better introduction."

"I'm working on it!" The Doctor called back in frustration. "I can get us into the atmosphere. If we jettison the rear section."

"Listen to me. Nobody is jettisoning anything. This is the Cerebos. All right? She's the envy of millions."

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