Return of The Stenza

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(AN: so when I said I would be gone for a week... I meant a couple weeks. But y'all knew that right? Anyway if you are reading this, and have yet to give up on me, then let's give a big round of applause to you my friend. Kudos to you for being dedicated to finishing the story that's taken me nearly a year to write!)

I followed the Doctor to the equipment bay and we loaded up packs for all of us. I handed one to Yaz and to Ryan before putting one on for myself. I looked down the corridor and Paltraki and the Doctor lead the way towards the exit. I walked with Graham and I stayed behind slightly. "Are you ok?" I asked him. He didn't seem to hear me. He acted as if he had a tunnel vision of sorts. "Graham?" I asked and he snapped out of it.

"Hmm? Yeah? I'm fine." I doubted that. We best keep a closer eye on him.

"Ranskoor Av Kolos isn't the Stenza's home planet, so how can that be Tim Shaw?" Yaz asked as we exited the ship. I walked in front of the Doctor and Graham, and behind Yaz and Ryan. We were surrounded by ship wrecks and a wasteland of scrap metal and craters.

"Feeling sick?" I heard Yaz ask Ryan. He nodded.

"Yeah, like travel sick, but worse." He explained.

"I'm sure it'll pass, Ryan. It's probably just your body getting used to this new atmosphere." I said to try and reassure him. I felt completely fine. But I could tell the others were affected more than the Doctor and I.

Paltraki looked back at Ryan before continuing his leading march forward. "Sickness is how it started."

"So what is that sound?" Graham asked looking around.

"I think it's the planet." The Doctor said. "Obviously doesn't like intruders."

"Doc, can I have a word?" Graham asked.

We all stopped and turned to face him. "Of course." The Doctor said.

Graham looked at the rest of us and then to the Doctor. "Just the two of us." He added and I looked at Ryan and Yaz before looking back at Graham.

"Just make it quick, I'm getting a really bad feeling about this place. I don't think it's a good idea for us to be split up for two long." I said and they nodded. "Ok come on you two." Ryan and Yaz followed me over to where Paltraki was. I stopped at a halfway point and waited for the Doctor while the others continued on their way. 

Almost time!             Almost time!         Almost free!

I frowned slightly and narrowed my eyes in confusion. I heard a completely different voice say. It wasn't the usual Tardis voice in my head. This was something different. I looked up and saw the Doctor walking back towards us. She did not look to happy. I pushed the thought of the voice away and turned my attention towards the Doctor. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Graham." She simply said and I looked over her shoulder to see Graham making his way up the trail. "Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't do something stupid." She asked me.

"Ok." I simply said. I waited for him to catch up before walking with him.

"Let me guess, the Doc told you to watch me?" He asked.

"Yep." I answered popping the 'p'.

"I don't need a babysitter, I'm fine." He replied.

"Well prove that to the Doctor, and I'll be able to leave you alone." I replied and he just sighed as we finally caught up with the group.

"That's all you remember, being back on your ship without your crew?" Ryan asked Paltraki.

"Nothing before that. There's a reason I should have left. I can nearly remember." He responded.

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