The Witchfinders

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(AN: DOUBLE UPDATE!!!! And a Star Wars reference that is as long as this episode.)

I rushed into the console room with Ryan setting the destination. The Doctor wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Wouldn't it be great, if George Lucas sighed my Mandalorian cosplay?"

"You have a cosplay?!" He shouted excitedly. We had just gotten finished watching the original Star Wars trilogy. I had no idea Ryan was into such a nerdy thing like I was.

"Uh yeah, of course I have a cosplay." I said. "Want to see it?" I asked and he nodded eagerly. "Ok, I'll be right back." I ran down the corridor to my personal bedroom, from before I was married. I opened the door an on a stand in the corner was a full on cosplay of a Mandalorin. Just like Boba Fett only, mine was shiny and carried no weapons. Brand new never used. I put on the helmet and it lit up on the inside. And I little holographic display came up. This is what happens when I build things with the Doctor.

The display showed me the layout of the ground I was standing on. And a scan of the room. It was really cool. It had a thermal scanner, bio scanner, and a bunch of other stuff, but the one thing I liked to play with was the voice changer. I turned it on and my voice dropped like an octave, and sounded slightly robotic. It was cool. I put the rest of the armor on and walked out to the console room. My boot steps filled the console room as Ryan's eyes lit up like a child in a candy store. "That is amazing." He said in disbelief.

"It gets better." I said and the sound of my voice shocked him making him jump. I started laughing before taking off my helmet. "Here, try it on." I said handing him the helmet.

"Woah..." he said and his voice was as deep as mine was with the helmet on. "This is unbelievably cool." He then started looking around the room.

"I know, I just wanted a simple cosplay, but you know how extra the Doctor can be." I said with a laugh and he gave a huff of amusement. He took off the helmet and handed it back to me. "This even functions as regular armor too." I said giving him a turn so he could see the armor. The short knee high cape, flowed behind me as I turned. "I could survive anything in here." I said setting the helmet on the console.

"Almost near anything." The Doctor corrected walking in with Graham and Yaz. "So, I guess you two finished your Star Wars marathon then?" I nodded and she looked up and down my armor. "Hang on, hold still..." she pulled out her sonic and went behind my back to fix something on my armor. "There, now its complete." She said stepping away. "Alucainum alloy. Strongest alloy in this galaxy, and another positive note, it's also the lightest." She grabbed my helmet off the console and put it on my head. "So, what are you wearing that for?"

I took the helmet off and fixed my hair. "I want George Lucas to sign it." I said excitedly.

"What?!" She exclaimed. "I'm the one who built it!"

"But it was his design, and if it weren't for him we probably wouldn't have built it." I said and she sighed. She seemed upset. "You have got to be kidding me.." I said under my breath. "Do you want to sign it too?" I asked and a grin grew on her face. Nearly 2,000 years old and she's just as bad as a child. "Ok, when we get back you can sign it too. Happy?" I asked.

"Happy." She replied taking us out of the vortex. I put my helmet on and we walked out of the Tardis. We were surrounded by forest and mud. "I'm sure it's somewhere around here." She said as we walked towards a gathering of people in period clothing.

"Come on, Doc, admit it." Graham said.

"I don't understand what you mean." She said refusing to admit she landed us in the wrong time and place.

"Well, look at it! This ain't George Lucas' house, is it?" Graham said back.

"It's like a street party." Ryan said. "Ye olde hipster pop-up happenin'"

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