Chapter Three: Patch Jobs, and Scrap Jobs

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"Are you sure this is the right part?" I asked in the comms. I held up a tube that was scorched and broken.

"Correct!" He said and I flinched at how loudly it was in my ear.

"Ow." I muttered. I grabbed it and began digging in one of the Dalek casings. "I see the chip, and the wires. Which one do I cut?"

"Do not destroy the galvanized conduction coil. The casing will self destruct in 10 rels!" He said and I paused in what I was doing.

"Which one is that?!" I shouted back. All I got back was mad laughter. This Dalek was crazier than Cann was. "Fuck it, here we go." I snapped them all and grabbed the chip. I heard rapid beeping and froze. "Oh that's not good."

The Doctor had a plan. She traced the signals to their location and opened a communication line. If she could distract them long enough for the Tardis to reboot the systems, she could find them and save Lin. If it was one thing the Doctor was extremely good at, it was long term distractions. "Stop, I know you can hear me right now."

"Who are you?" The voice that filled the console room was a distorted mix of Lin's and a Dalek.

"I'm your secret conscience." She picked up the microphone and began walking around the Tardis with a small smirk on her face. "Not really, we both know you don't have one."

"How are you communicating." It replied.

"You might have temporarily disabled my navigation, but I still know a trick or two. Like how you're a refugee from the planet Skaro." She said and was met with silence. Gathering how old this Dalek was and what planet it was on, it probably wasn't expecting anything to know of its origins. Just to confirm her theory the Doctor asked. "What sort of Dalek are you, anyway?"

"My mission is reconnaissance and conquest." It replied.

"Just as I thought. Recon scout."

"All humanity is my prisoner now." It replied and the Doctor really hoped it would say that. Because now she could take proper action, now she could finally rid the world of this plague. She will admit the frustrations of the day did not improve her mood in the slightest. In fact it's added fuel to the rage she felt against the Daleks.

"In your dreams, mate!" She responded laying a trap for it to walk into. "You've got no casing, no weapons, and no chance."

"I have... weapons." It admitted and the Doctor smirked, it fell right in. It still had no casing, but it had weapons. It was dangerous, but still venerable.

"Right." She said sounding worried. "Well then. Whoop-de-do. You've got weapons after all. Lot of good it's gonna do you."

"This planet is now the property of the Daleks."

"I know seven billion people who may have something to say about that." She said walking around the console room. "Now, you may have a weapon, but you are a long way from conquest." The Doctor taunted the Dalek before then demanding. "Release the woman you are holding prisoner." A horrible sound filled the Tardis.

"What's it doing?" Mitch asked.

"I think it's laughing." The Doctor replied irritated. She went to the console controls and the lights in the room turned red. She turned around and in front was a blue hologram of Lin. She stood face to face with it unwavering, no fear, just anger. "Now, do that again to my face."

"What is this?" The hologram snarled. But it wasn't Lin's voice, instead it was the Daleks.

"These are my serious tech skillz, and yes that is with a 'z'" she said sternly. A small smirk made its way to her face as she thought of you rolling your eyes at that. It was so easy to wind you up with her childish behavior. But you weren't here, that was partly her fault but she also blamed the Dalek before her. Her greatest enemy, throughout all of time and space. The cockroaches of the universe. "Bio-tracking fuse to hold projection." She explained. "Won't last long, but I need you to see just how serious my face is right now." She said sternly before reaching behind her to feel for the controls. "But it's not just you I want to talk to." The hologram fizzled and changed to be full color and it seemed like Lin was back. "Lin, I know you can hear me." The Doctor called changing her tone. "I need you to know we're coming for you. So keep fighting. Mitch is here with us." She then gestured behind her.

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