Chapter Seven: Spyfall part 2

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What would the Doctor do? I asked myself as the plane continued to fall out of the sky. She would tell me not to panic. "I'm fucking panicking, Doctor!" I said to myself more than anything. Yaz and the others were screaming holding on for dear life. "Yaz!" I shouted as she slipped I grabbed her and caught her. Ryan was on the ground in between the seats. He got up and went to the next aisle over. Then again, and again. "Ryan?!"

"There's plaques with my name on it!" He shouted following it.

"What?!" I shouted.

"4C seat pocket!" He shouted. I looked around and noticed that was the seat Yaz and I were hanging onto.

"Grab it Yaz!" I shouted and she did. She held up the paper and I looked it over before bursting into a fit of giggles.

"What? What is it?!" Ryan asked.

In my hand was a few pieces of laminated paper stapled together on how to land a plane without a cockpit. Very obviously the Doctor's handy work. It didn't say much of anything useful. "God I fucking hate you." I flipped the page and on the next paper said in bold letters.

'No you don't'

"Open the hatch in the floor!" I called and Ryan did so. "Now it says to connect the cable to my phone." I reread that line. "Why does it have to be my phone?!" I called pulling it out of a pocket I had.

"Since when do dresses have pockets?" Yaz asked.

"Since a friend of mine made a really good point on her wedding day." I said handing my phone to Graham. He passed it up to Ryan and he plugged it into the cable.

"Welcome aboard!" The Doctor called as her face appeared on the small screen at the front of the plane.

"You are kidding!" Graham yelled. "How's she doing that?"

"You son of a bitch!" I shouted.

"Oi! Rude." She said before smiling again. This whole situation was bringing me back to 1969. Trapped with Martha and the Doctor. Our first encounter with a weeping angel. "I realize you have questions."

"Where are you? We're going to die!"

"She can't hear you, she recorded this message in the future... possibly the past." I called back.

"That's right, it's all wibbley wobbly timey wimey stuff." She said and I made a face at that. I did in 1969 when she had said it then too. "Don't make that face." She said through the screen and I rolled my eyes. "Ok, first of all you're not going to die! Second, like (y/n) said I'm a recording and I can't hear you. Third, don't panic. Especially you Graham."

"I'm not panicking!" He shouted back.

"Yes you were."
"Yes you were." The Doctor and I said at the same time.

"And I did just say don't talk back to the screens." She said and I watched her smile fade. "I haven't got long. The bomb in the cockpit knocked out the signals from the computer to the engines. But the computers in this aircraft aren't in the cockpit. They are under the cabin floor. (Y/n), the app should have opened."

"Ryan?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm coming!" I shouted as I began to use the seats to ladder climb my way up. When I got to him he handed me my phone. On the phone screen it said.

'Hiya beautiful!' Along with a subtext saying. 'Piloting made easy.'

"I hate you." I called and it changed again.

'No you don't... again'

"Use it to communicate with the engines via the aircraft wiring." The Doctor called on the recording. "By the way, you shut the cockpit door, haven't you? Cockpit doors are designed to be incredibly robust."

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