The Partition of India

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Yaz walked off with Manish and I stood with the others. "I shouldn't have come. I'm too nice." The Doctor said. "You were right, (Y/n)."

"I'm sorry what was that?" I teased.

"You were right." She said once more under her breath.

"One more time, just for the hell of it?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"(Y/n), you were right!" She exclaimed. It was very rare that I was right about something and the Doctor was wrong. I try to enjoy those moments as much as I could. "This is what happens when you try to be nice." She said turning to the boys. We were all quiet for a moment. "Who wants to know what they're listening to in there?" She asked

"Yup." Graham, Ryan and I said in unison.

I followed after the Doctor as she went up the stairs of the house. She ran into the room as fast as she could. "You are such a child." I whispered walking up beside her. There was a voice on the radio that everyone sat intently around to listen.

"After much delay, and amid escalating communal violence, Lord Mountbatten has finally released the specific details of the border which will separate the two countries."

"What borders are they talking about?" Ryan asked.

"Pakistan." Umbreen's mother said turning her head back to the radio. "Today, India's officially cut into pieces."

That's when I saw the Doctor make a face of realization. "It's the 17th of August." She whispered.

"And still, you want to go ahead?" Umbreen's mother asked turning to her.

"Nothing changes, mum. We knew this was coming." She replied back.

"Sorry, don't mean to sound stupid, what year is it, exactly?" Graham asked.

"Same year you have in England, 1947." Prem said from in front of the radio.

"Partition." The Doctor said. "We're in the middle of the partition of India." The Doctor said as Prem got out of his seat. He walked out and towards the back of the house where Yaz and Manish were.

"Manish!" Prem called as we all followed behind him. We needed to get Yaz and go. I knew enough about this time to know that it wasn't pretty. There would soon be bloodshed and a lot of it. I didn't want to be here to find out how much.

"I knew we shouldn't have come." I muttered as we walked back to Yaz. "We should've left earlier like I said."

"Yes, I know, I'm sorry." The Doctor said "Yaz! Hi." She called coming to a halt down the hill. "Quick sidebar, August, 1947, partition. The borders have just been announced." She said pointing over to where it seems Manish planted a marker of sorts.

"India," he said pointing to where he was standing. "Pakistan." He then pointed over the stream to t He other side.

"It's not just the land that gets divided. Rioting in the cities. Tens of millions of people about to be displaced." The Doctor said.

"More than a million about to die, Yaz, we need to leave." I said.

"Doc," Graham said tapping her shoulder. "Meanwhile, her nan's about to get married, but not to her granddad." He said.

"I'm thinking that hour is well up, now." Ryan said and I nodded.

"I'm thinking you're just about right." I replied. "Like I keep saying, it's time for us to go."

"You can't know the borders, they've only just been announced." Umbreen protested.

"The maps were leaked days ago. I got one from my sources." He said proudly.

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