Lets go Fishing

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(AN: this chapter is definitely less mild than my others, I am definitely placing a trigger warning here right now. In the dream sequence/flashback, we are forced to do a lot of things we don't want to do. Like we are straight up like Jessica Jones forced. So if that upsets you in anyway don't read anything in Italics.)

I opened the door to the motel room and the Doctor followed me. The wall was filled with more information, maps, dates times. It looked more like something you would find in a police station. "We managed to get Krasko's weapon off him at least." She said to the group. I picked Krasko's weapon out of my pocket and tossed it to the Doctor. She caught it with ease and I went and sat on the bed. She pulled out her sonic and began to scan it again.

I heard the door open then close and we turned to see Graham who had a worried look on his face. "James Blake is taking the day off."

"What?" Yaz said. "But he can't!"

"That's what I said. Strangely, he didn't listen." He then pointed at the Doctor. "Your mate is interfering. He's reassigned Blake's route to a driver called Elias Griffin Jr."

"That's what he was talking about." I said looking up at the Doctor.

She nodded at me before turning to Graham and the others. "Tiny actions. That's what Krasko is doing. See he's clever I'll give him that. He knows. He not planning on killing, or destroying, or breaking history."

"He's planning on changing small things, small details to make sure it doesn't happen." I finished for her. "There's only one thing he didn't think about."

"What's that then?" Yaz asked.

"Us. Everything he changes, we are going to fix." I said getting off the bed. The Doctor did the same and walked to the middle of the room.

"Now we know what our task is." She said and I smiled. "Keep history in order. No changing it. Just guarding it against someone who wants to disrupt it. Tomorrow we have to make sure Rosa Parks gets on the bus driven by James Blake and that bus is full, so that Rosa sits when she is asked to stand for white passengers."

"Ryan, stop!" I exclaimed as he began to mess with the weapon. "Don't mess with that."

"How does it even work?" He asked.

"Charges here, this setting dials the temporal destination." The Doctor explained showing him how it worked. "Pretty simple, pretty deadly. Now," she took it out of his hands and tossed it to me. "Can we concentrate?"

"How are we supposed to keep history in order if James Blake is going to go fishing at Mill Creek, and another driver is lined up to do his route?" Graham asked.

"I've got an idea!" Yaz and Ryan said at the same time.

"The same idea?" The Doctor asked.

"Raffle winner."
"Fishing take down." They said at the same time again.

"Well it seems we have our plans in order. Doctor, you and Yaz deal with Griffin. While Ryan, Graham and I go fishing." I said.

"What?" She asked confused. "Since when have you liked fishing?"

"Well I need a hobby, I do other things other than run for my life with you." I said crossing my arms. I looked at the clocks on the nightstands. "It's getting late, we need to get some sleep." I looked at the two beds then at the five of us. "Now who's going where?"

"You three can have the beds, (Y/n) and I will take the floor." The Doctor said.

"Oh, no we can't let you do that." Graham said feeling guilty.

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