Planetary Peril

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The building began to shake violently as we made our way through the corridors. I stumbled again and the Doctor stopped to pull me up. "I got you." She said as she held my hand. We then ran around corner after corner following the tracker I had packed in my bag. When we burst through the doorway we found Yaz and Paltraki. "Yaz! What's happening?" The Doctor stopped and I did too. We both looked over at the different objects. They were shaking on the stands that they sat on. "Oh, why are they doing that?"

"I remember what they did." Paltraki said. "Five objects, five planets, one weapon." He said and the three of us shared a look of shock. "They stole five planets."

"Oh, no, no, no. That's impossible." The Doctor began to take off her bag and looked at the planets inside the crystal cases.

"It's what happened." Paltraki told her. "Entire planets removed from their spatial orbit."

The Doctor held the one she had strapped grenades to. "That would've destroyed all life." She looked up from the planet in her hands to the rest of us. "Planetary genocide." Paltraki just nodded at her conclusion. "Tim Shaw, I didn't like you then, but now.." she put the planet down and pulled out her sonic. I could see the oncoming storm in her eyes. Her anger is not one you should play with. Especially when it's aimed at you. "Make them stop. You're breaking every known law of the universe."

My head started hurting beyond belief. It was just a sudden pain that wouldn't go away. "Doctor?" I asked and she seemed to ignore me.

"I'm rewriting the laws of the universe."

"It doesn't work like that." The Doctor replied angrily.

"Doctor..." I tried again weakly still no reply.

"Stenza technology allied to the gift of the Ux can create anything."

"Every action has consequences." She warned him.

"And these are yours, Doctor."

"I didn't mean it like that!" She used her sonic on her comms again and turned back to the group. "I'm so annoyed."

"Doctor... my head." I groaned in pain as she went to move passed me. She stopped and looked me in the eyes. She could clearly see the pain on my face and she pulled out her sonic. She gave me a scan but the readings read normal.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to do!" She said frustrated. The ground shook violently and I lost my balance. I fell to the floor and then I felt it. The familiar rush of blood down my nose. It wasn't dripping it was spilling out everywhere. I gave a cough and up came some more. "(Y/N)!" She shouted trying to help me up. Yaz was at my side as well and I tried my best to focus on what they were saying.

"Doctor we need to stop them. I think this is what's effecting (Y/n)." She said and I saw out of the corner of my eye, that the Doctor stood up and got to her feet.

"The Ux! They're creating a rift in space time." She glanced back at me as I managed to lay on my side facing her. I felt the urge to vomit and I turned and I puked up blood and bile. "He's harnessed their power." I heard the familiar whirling of the sonic again. "You don't understand anything right now!" She shouted angrily. "All these planetary masses cannot exist in the same space at the same time. The technology isn't stable! You bring another through, it could destroy everything."

"You're bluffing." I heard him say over the comms. I turned back to my front and heaved again. Yaz there holding me up. I was so weak. I was unable to even hold myself up. My muscles ached and were unable to hold my weight.

"He's one of those people who really irritates me." She said looking away she stood there taking in a breath.

"I'd hate to be a bother." I spoke up. My voice sore and scratchy. "But could you please hurry up?" I then rolled onto my back unable to throw up any more bile or blood. Which may have not been a good sign.

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