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(AN: you can thank eternalhoror_nerd for the double update today, she talked me into it.)

When the others got back they had gathered maps, bus routes, phone books, and newspapers to help us. We placed them all on the floor and sat in a circle around them. I sat next to Ryan leaning on the Doctor's shoulder. "I found out where she works." Yaz said. "Montgomery Fair Department store." She pointed out to it on the map.

"And if the phone books are right," Ryan pulled a pencil from behind his ear and circled an area on the map. "This is where she lives."

Graham was flipping through pamphlets of different bus routes. "Right, so, these bus routes don't go near Rosa's shop or house." He said then he pulled out a few more. "But these ones do." He set the three of them on the map.

"Great. If we can find Rosa's route and time today, we can keep an eye on her tomorrow." The Doctor said. She then rolled her shoulders and stretched out her arms. Nearly knocking me over. "Who's up for a bus ride?" We packed up the maps and the Doctor used her sonic to hide the ink on the wall.

We walked as a group to the nearest bus stop that follows one of the three routes Graham found. When the bus pulled up I walked on first and paid the fee and sat down in the section labeled white. I hated it. The Doctor came and sat next to me and Graham sat across the aisle from us. "Hey, Doc." Graham called and we looked over at him. "I reckon this route is more direct, between Rosa's home and work." She nodded and I glanced up at Yaz who didn't know where to sit.

"So it's most likely she takes this one tomorrow night." The Doctor wasn't paying any attention to the dilemma Yaz was dealing with. "But we can't be certain exactly what time."

"Unless we stalk her all day." Yaz supplied as Ryan got on the bus.

"This is me, on the back of the bus." He said taking his seat I felt so bad for him.

"I'm so ashamed." Graham whispered and I felt the same. "You shouldn't have to do this." He said back to his grandson.

"I agree, I'm sorry Ryan." I slipped my hand into the Doctor's but not in clear view of anyone.

"The driver let me on at the front of the bus. What does that mean for where I sit?" Yaz asked and I shot her a look of sympathy and guilt for not knowing how to help her. "Obviously not a lot of Pakistani heritage around here. Does color just black in 1955?" The Doctor and I shook our heads not knowing the answer. "I guess I'll park my South Asian, Mexican backside in the white section and let's see what happens." She said taking a seat next to Graham. "Riding the bus in Montgomery, good times." She said sarcastically. After a few stops we got off and waited for the bus to leave. "That's where she works. This must be her stop."

"Perfect." The Doctor said. "We can wait here, then get on the bus with her when she finishes work. Have a little chat."

Hours past and it felt like an eternity. When the sun had long since set, and Rosa finally left her place of work. We got on the bus Yaz and Graham sat next to each other and I sat across from them and in front of Rosa. The Doctor walked past me and sat next to Rosa. "Doctor!" I said through clenched teeth. She seemed to ignore me and continued to sit next to Rosa. I knew enough about Montgomery to know if the Doctor sat there Rosa would have to move.

"Hi, nice to see you again." She said as she sat next to her.

"Mrs Parks, right?" Yaz asked pretending not to know.

"Yes?" She said suspiciously.

"You helped us out earlier today with our little misunderstanding." The Doctor reminded.

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