Don't Travel at Night

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(AN: honestly, this chapter and next, are probably my favorite that I've written so far. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.)

"Let's try through here." The Doctor said as she opened the door. It lead into a tunnel system and when we entered we were greeted with Epzo, and Angstrom.

"What just happened?" Epzo asked.

The Doctor just walked passed him. "Why do you care? You don't care about anything." She pulled out the tracker from her pocket.

"How do you have that?" Angstrom asked.

"My wife." She simply said. Angstrom looked at me and I winked at her.

"I learned from the best." I said simply.

"Well.. yeah." The Doctor said smugly. I walked past her.

"I should thank Jack next time we see him." She stopped walking again and I smirked.

The Doctor shook it off and began to fiddle with the tracker. She and Angstrom walked past me taking the lead. "How did you even do that?"

"Did I not mention? I am really smart." The Doctor said.

Oh she could be so full of herself sometimes. "Thank you." Angstrom said and I could tell she meant it. I really hoped she wins this rally of there's. She was a general nice person and was doing this for selfless reasons.

"You are very welcome. Amazing what you can learn from a sniper bot. Like where their control commands emanate from." We walked through the tunnels. "Also maps! Which lead us..." we turned a corner and there was a hatch that sealed from the outside.

"I don't like that." I said backing away. The Doctor pulled out her sonic and opened the hatch from a distance.

She walked over and pulled it open. Down below was another set of tunnels but those were dark and damp. "I want answers to this planet and I think they're down there."

"You sure about that?" Graham questioned and I agreed with him.

"No. Come on!" The Doctor jumped up and climbed on the ladder.

"Why do I go anywhere with you?" I asked getting on the ladder after her. I climbed down and when my feet hit the bottom I turned to look for her. "This is how people die in every horror movie ever made! Stupid shit like this." A set of lights came on in the tunnels lighting our way. "Oh, must be a night shift or something." I sad looking around.

We stood and waited for the others to climb down. "These tunnels run under half of the planet. Think of the technology, the civilization required to build all that. And ask yourselves where are they?"

"Maybe they left. I mean the planet surface is to dangerous to be habitable, why stay?" I supplied.

"Good point." The Doctor said before looking over at Epzo, as he shoulder started to irritate him. "How's the injury?"


"Hope it's made you reconsider your entire philosophy."

"No." He simply replied. Epzo was as stubborn as a mule, but sometimes that trait comes in handy, or can get you killed.

"Doctor," Graham called looking at the wall. "Scorch marks all along the walls."

"Not exactly encouraging, is it?" She said looking closely at the marks.

"No, not really." I said.

"Still, best feet forward." We walked a few more feet before the Doctor stopped. She walked towards what looked to be a door. "Big locked door. I love a big locked door"

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