Welcome To The Anitzone

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(AN: my internet has been out for nearly three days. So that's given me plenty of time to write, and to not procrastinate on doing so. Shout out to my dad, who accidentally cut the cable line digging a hole with his tractor.)

I had a sinking feeling in my stomach as I got closer to the mirror. An urge within me told me to stay away. Turn back. Go home. But a stronger feeling within me told me not to leave my friends and my wife alone. "Here I go." I said flinching away as I reached towards the mirror. It was felt weird like an almost static energy. I pushed passed the shrilling sound and made my way into the mirror. Once I passed through I was completely fine. "Well, that wasn't so-" I cut myself off as I felt something rushing up my throat. I bent over a rock and began to puke up blood and stomach bile. It wasn't pretty, and felt like it lasted an eternity. It realistically only lasted a few seconds. I pushed myself away and sat down against the rocks. To weak to move. "I have to find Ryan, and Hanne." I said to myself.

Rest             Rest           You need rest

"I don't need rest." I said pushing myself to my feet. I used ever once of strength I had to move forward. "I need to find them."

Rest!           Rest!           Heal!        Heal!

"There isn't time." I said pushing through the weak shaky feeling throughout my body.

Sleep         Sleep        Heal first      Or die searching

"I'll give my life to keep the others safe." I collapsed on the ground groaning in pain as my muscles ached and burned from the mirror.

It is not your time          Not yet little bird      Not yet

I tried to stand again. Only to fall back down on my stomach. "No." I said through gritted teeth. "I'm not giving up." I tried once more and made it to my feet. "I need to keep going." I stopped when I was fully on my feet. I leaned heavily on the rock wall and used it as an aid to help me. I found a string tied to a nearby rock. "The Doctor's doing, I'm sure." I said looking down.


"Oh now you want to say things that make sense?" I said back. The entire time she has said things into my head they've been bits and pieces. "I'm gonna find them. Even if it kills me to do it."


I stopped at that. "Your plans? What exactly are you planning?"

Sleep       Sleep      Sleep

I felt weak and dizzy there was nothing I could do to stop it. "What are you doing?" I asked weakly as my legs gave out from under me. "No. Stop.... I need to find... the others." My eyesight grew blurry and my body grew more exhausted by the millisecond.

Sleep so I can heal you        Sleep little bird          Sleep now

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

"If you're a Doctor, why does your box say police?" The girl asked as the Doctor took a bite out of an apple. He spat it out not even a second later.

"That's disgusting. What is that?" He asked.

"An apple." The girl replied confused.

"Apple's are rubbish. I hate apples." He said tossing it away.

"You said you loved them." The girl said.

"Yeah, what's going on with you this time around?" I asked him.

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