Chapter Fifteen: Edison Edison

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"Is this what you found in the generator?" The Doctor asked as she walked towards it some. It gave off a low humming sound as she looked it over curiously. "Giving off all that energy, but why?" It began floating in the air and I watched along with the others as it hovered around us.

"You see how it moves independently?" Tesla asked. "I believe this is something I like to call 'remote control.'"

"'Remote control'? You came up with that?" Ryan asked slightly shocked.

"I believe this is operating on a similar principle." He nodded in response. He then looked at the Doctor then the orb again eyes wide in amazement and excitement. "If we could just work out its purpose..."

"I know what it is." The Doctor replied and I looked at her questioningly.

"Care to share with the rest of the class then?" I asked.

"It's an Orb of Thassor." She said as she watched it hover. She shook her head. "But I've no idea what it's doing here." She stuck out her hand and I watched as the orb slowly lowered itself into her palm. "The Thassor were one of the ancient races. Amazing story tellers. Inventors, explorers. They built these orbs as a way to spread information, to send out among the stars as a way to share their legacy. Long after they were gone."

"That's great and all." I said drawing her attention. "But what about that cloaked figure that's been trying to kill us? I mean is there any information in there worth killing for?" I asked as the Doctor walked over to a nearby table.

"I've no idea." She set it down and pulled out her sonic scanning it. "I think it's been repurposed. But I can't work out what it's doing instead." Tesla walked over and looked at the orb. "This is all wrong! Something this elegant shouldn't be giving off this kind of noise." She scanned it again. "It's energy readings are off the charts!" She shook her sonic and it cleared the reading.

Tesla looked over the sonic with amazement. "That instrument detects energy? Is... is it your own design."

"I made it." She nodded. "Mainly out of spoons."

"You're an inventor!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"I have my moments." She replied with a small smirk.

"On a rare occasion, but even a broke clock is right twice a day." I called and she reached over and hit me. "Hey!" I called as my hat fell to the ground. I bent down and picked it up dusting it off and putting it back on my head.

"I knew it!" Tesla exclaimed. "So... so you can understand how it feels, you know when you have an idea and to make it real. I don't think there's any greater thrill!"

"Are lot are more adrenaline junkies, sorry Tesla." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"I couldn't agree more." The Doctor said and I rose an eyebrow at her. "No not you! Him!" She called gesturing to Tesla.

"You.. you spoke of aliens. People, you know, laugh at the very idea!" Tesla went on.

"But not you." The Doctor replied.

"Well, apparently, I'm not like other people. It can be difficult, you know, to feel no one else sees the world the way you do." He said pausing. "It's like..." he stopped thinking of the word. "It's like your uh..."

"Out of place." The Doctor said with a knowing look. I stood still and looked her over, her demeanor changed slightly and I tilted my head in observation. Did she really feel so alone? Even with us? With me? What was she not telling me that kept her so... so... isolated from everyone else?

"I... I thought..." Tesla stuttered again. "I thought things would be different. You know when I first arrived in America, I had four cents to my name. I was robbed on the journey, but still I thought, 'this is the beginning!' Here I would prosper, my ideas would live!"

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