Chapter Eleven: Spies Fallen

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AN: Sorry for the late update, I haven't been feeling well, and I'm hung up on this idea in later chapters. I'm trying to work through it, but we'll see what happens. I've taken a step back for like a week or so from writing to come back at it with a fresh mind. Don't worry! I've prewritten chapters up to 20 so we still have some time until you have to start worrying 😅

Yaz pulled the car to a skidding stop in front of Barton's airplane hanger. "Let's go." I called at seeing no one around. It was suspicious so I made sure to put the gun in my dress pocket. Gotta thank Donna for that idea later. When we made it into the hanger it was nearly empty, no sign of life anywhere.

"Over here!" Yaz called dashing ahead. There was a woman slumped forward in a chair. We all sprinted after her and Yaz and I got to her first. She was tied to the chair and the first thing I did was check for breathing and a pulse point. Her skin was ice cold and there was no pulse. I looked up at Yaz who held a questioning gaze. I shook my head at her and she frowned furrowing her brow.

"Is she alive?" Graham asked.

"No." Yaz replied.

"Where's Barton? This is where his guys were supposed to lead us, and he isn't here." Ryan asked and I moved away from the woman in the chair to look around. I saw the same wire statue I saw in his office in the center surrounded by other devices. Whatever the plan was here it wasn't good.

There was a tablet on a stand that beeped to life. I peered down on it and saw Barton video calling. He had a seatbelt on and seemed to be in the back of a car. "Well done at overpowering my people. But did you really think they wouldn't tell me?" Yaz, Ryan, and Graham all stood next to me as I crossed my arms glaring down at Barton. "I have a significant announcement to make, and you, my friends, are two steps behind. As usual."

"We know all about you!" Yaz called angrily. "That your DNA isn't human."

"What are you Barton?" I asked. "One ex human to another." I asked and he rose a brow at me before scoffing.

"You really don't understand who I am do you? I build things. I test them. So I let them test a tiny part of me." He said with a smirk. "Now it's time for the global roll-out. I'm proof of concept."

"What concept? What did they try?" Ryan asked.

"Look after my mum." He said and my face paled. He then disconnected the line and I looked to the others.

"He killed his own mum?" Graham asked.

"And left her here." Yaz asked.

"How cruel." I said shaking my head sadly. "The woman who gave him everything, the one person that probably loved him unconditionally." I shook my head at that. I was on the outside with my mother but never would I ever dream of killing her. I haven't seen my mother in years... not since I started traveling with the Doctor.

"That machine was in Barton's office." Ryan said.

"I was just thinking that too." I said in agreement. I heard a chime and I turned to see Yaz looking down at the table with furrowed brows. "What's wrong?"

"It's an email from Barton." She said shaking her head. She opened it and began to read it. "'Humanity is over. You have three minutes to prepare.' Prepare for what?" She asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is isn't good." Ryan looked at the statue again as it slowly lit up and began spinning.

"Anyone feel like this is something we should be worried about?" He asked as beeping began to resonate throughout the room.

"This isn't good." I said as the room began filling with light creatures. There were ten to hundreds in the hanger. More and more filling the space by the second. I took out the gun and took off the safety. "Might want to cover your ears." I told the others as I let off a few rounds. They hit the light creatures but didn't seem to phase them much. Suddenly they all disappeared inside the wire statue. It began spinning out of control.

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