Update part 2

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"TEN THOUSAND YEAAAARS! Will give you such a crick in the neck."

Yes, "guess who's back, back again, shady's back." (Kinda.)

So I have finally finished the series 12 and I'm about to start writing the rest of this book. So I can then write another book for the New Years special. Then another book for all of series 12. I may or may not skip some of the... less popular episodes... Praxeus, and Orphan 55. Although I'm still debating on that one. Let me know if I should skip those two or one of them, or none if you want. The majority vote wins and I need you all to participate so I can get an accurate answer.

I should be back in like a week or two. If not sue me. I've dug myself into a pit in another fandom and I can't seem to dig myself out. I really want to write DW but all I can think about is this other fandom. I'm trying my dudes, I really am.

But by time I've written and posted the rest of this story I need an answer for my question above. So I'll know how to write out plots and characters, and shit of that nature.

Hope to write again soon,

oh and by the way. Don't rip into people who post a different answer than yours. I know the Wattpad community is generally nice and all, but from someone who was bullied most her life, I know shit can slip past the system.

Lots of love and affection,


(Edit: if anyone wants the playlist I made for this book I'll DM you the link. It's only accessible from the link so if y'all want it just hit me up. Lol I've just given y'all an excuse to slide into my DMs. XD )

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