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(AN: This episode is, and will be a struggle for me to write. I know it's an X reader, and the reader could be any race or ethnicity, but as a white female, I don't think it's right for me to pretend to understand struggles that I don't face. So I hope you can still enjoy this story the way I have written it, and if not, thank you for reading this far.)

The Doctor parked the Tardis and walked over to the doors. She opened them and peaked outside. "Nearly..." she said walking back to the console in frustration.

"Sheffield?" Yaz asked.

"Almost, really close." She came to stand next to me and I smirked at her.

"We would've been there by now, if someone would let me pilot." I said loud enough so the others could hear.

She scoffed at that. "I've been piloting this ship centuries before you were even born. I think I know what I'm doing."

"You flew the Tardis for that long and you think you know what you're doing? No wonder we haven't gotten them back home yet." I smiled and she rolled her eyes. She didn't smile, or even try to playfully hit me like usual. She must've really been frustrated.

"So, not Sheffield then." Graham asked.

"No." She then turned to the console and narrowed her eyes at it. "You're doing this deliberately, aren't you?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"If it's me I haven't touched anything!" Ryan quickly said defending himself.

"I'm talking to the Tardis. 'Cause this is our ninth attempt." She said going back to messing with the console controls. I stood back and crossed my arms keeping my distance to not get in her way.

"Fourteenth." Graham corrected and I bit my lower lip. Motioning in the background for Graham to stop talking. He saw me but seemed confused as to what I was trying to tell him. So he kept talking. "You can't control this thing, can you?"

I decided to fake cough a few times "Graham," another cough. "Shut up." And another cough to cover it up. The others got the message and so did he, but it was to late.

The Doctor whipped around on her heels, facing him. "Excuse me? Yes, I can!" She said a little harsher than I think she meant to. "Just sometimes, like now, it has a mind of its own." She took a breath and calmed herself.

Yaz thankfully tried to change the subject. "So where are we, actually?"

"Earth. United States. In 1955, Montgomery, Alabama, if I'm reading this properly. New displays, still figuring them out." She said and a large grin grew on my face.

"1955?" Graham asked shocked. "Elvis, can we see Elvis?" He asked.

"Oh, that would be fun. I think he's in New York this week. What do you think Doctor, should we give him a call?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"No, absolutely not!" She exclaimed.

"Was this because he kissed me?" She nodded as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. "If I'm being honest, he wasn't that great of a kisser. I definitely have had better. It wasn't as fun as I expected." I walked over to her and leaned my back on the console. "You most definitely kiss better."

She looked over to me with a small smile, and I gave her a wink. "You two haven't got Elvis' phone number?" Graham asked bringing us back to the original conversation.

The Doctor grew serious in that moment taking a step closer to Graham. "Don't ever tell anyone I lent him a mobile phone." She warned. Suddenly an alarm went off and I looked at the Doctor as she raced to the display. "Whoa," she said and I walked up next to her to look at the screens as well. "What's that? Traces of Artron energy?"

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