Chapter Nine: Plans of Action

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The Doctor took in shallow breaths as she hid underneath the floor. You were tucked closely into her chest, and Ada was a few boards over. Crammed like a tin of sardines. Your breathing grew heavy as you looked around the tiny space. You shook your head. The Doctor motioned for you to be quiet but you didn't. Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door. The Doctor could see the fear in your eyes at being in such a tight space. Since when we're you claustrophobic like this? "Shh." The Doctor called just as the door was kicked open. There were footsteps above you all and your breathing slowly got heavier.

"Yes?" The woman called above you all. Soldiers stepped above you both ripping through the woman's belongings. You began panicking a tear coming to your eye. The Doctor needed to think of something fast to keep you calm and quiet. The Doctor tried to shush and soothe you but nothing worked. Finally she just leaned in and kissed you. Catching each breath, and each panicked sob that left your mouth with her own. It was a slow kiss but it distracted you enough to calm you down and slow your racing hearts. The Doctor tried to open another link with you just for the purpose of sending you feelings of calming, but again you denied her access to your mind. "You're new." The woman called as another set of boots echoed above them. The guns cocked and you gasped but the Doctor quickly caught the sound with her mouth on yours again to muffle it. She pulled away slightly enough for you to take in calming breaths. Both your respiratory bypasses were about to kick in. With a stomp of his foot the troops opened fired on the floorboards, the Doctor knew that if you had the ability to talk you would crack a joke. 'Like a scene out of inglorious bastards.' You would probably say. The tears filled your eyes as the gunfire raged on around you all.

Suddenly it stopped. Another stomp and footsteps receded out of the room. A long pause and a few intense moments later another set left. The door closed with a loud slam before the woman above started shifting things around. She pulled up the boards and the Doctor sighed as fresh air and light filled the cramped space. "You are a life saver." She called and when the woman got to your side you bolted up right and scrambled out of the small space. "(Y/n), are you alright?" The Doctor called standing and going after you. She reached towards you with her hand and as her fingers barely brushed your back you flinched away.

"I'm fine!" You called back still panting. "Just... just leave me be." You wouldn't turn to look at her and the Doctor grew worried.


"Stop." You cut her off. "Please.. I'll be fine I just need a minute." The Doctor kept her eye on you but turned her attention back to the woman as she helped Ada out from the floor.

"Got some interesting stuff under the floorboards here." The Doctor gestured to the set she and you were next to. She had caught a glimpse of the radio on her way down. "Wireless radio equipment as issued by the British Special Operations Executive." The Doctor walked towards where it was and removed a board or two to look at it. "Very distinct, very large, and very difficult to hide." She looked up from the radio to the woman. "Your not Parisian, you're a British spy. I know your face." She put the boards back and walked up to the woman eyeing her up and down working out who she was. "Code name Madeleine. Real name, Noor Inayat Khan. First female wireless operator to be dropped behind enemy lines, very nice to meet you." She said excitedly. "Ada, (Y/n), wait until you hear about Noor." The Doctor took in an excited breath before turning to look at you. It seemed you had recovered but you're eyes were still wet. She walked towards you concern on her face. Fun facts on Noor forgotten. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine..." you called but the Doctor didn't quite believe you.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." You said sternly giving her a glare. The Doctor knew your social queues having had to relearn them with this new body, what a pain that was, curse her social awkwardness, but she knew when to back off and not push you. She knew something was wrong, but she also knew you would tell her when you were ready to. Though it pained her hearts to see you in any kind of pain, she would be patient and wait.

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