Chapter Twelve: Secrets We Keep

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We picked everyone up in our tardis before putting it back in the time vortex. "I don't know about you all but I'm ready for a shower."

"Definitely." Yaz called in agreement.

"Absolutely." Graham added.

"Why don't you all go have a nice shower and get changed, we'll take you home after." The Doctor said with a nod and we watched as they all left the console room. "How's your leg?" She asked and I shrugged.

"It's fine." I said honestly. It didn't hurt but the healing process was slower without using regeneration energy. But I'm not complaining seeing as it would take a few weeks and a couple of stitches for the process to even being, if I was still human. "Just a little sore but I'll be fine, it's nearly healed."

"Let me see." The Doctor said walking around the console towards me. Her bow tie was undone and the strip of fabric lay across her shoulders. The top button of her shirt undone as well. She knelt down and I sighed sticking my leg out for her to examine the wound. She lifted my dress slightly to look at the scaring. "It doesn't look bad." She reached out and gently touched it. Running her fingers delicately over the pink scar tissue. My breath caught in my throat and her eyes shot up to mine. "Does it hurt?"

"No." I said breathlessly and rose a brow. "But your hand, and the position you're in." I explained as my hearts raced. "Definitely takes my breath away." I said and she smirked before pulling away. She stood up in front of me letting my dress fall back into place.

"While the others are off taking showers, why don't we go have one as well?" She asked playfully and I smirked. "Want to share?" She asked.

"It would only be more efficient in saving time, and hot water." I added biting my lip.

"That's not what I— oh wait." She caught my message and smiled. "Brilliant." I lead the way back to our room and picked out a set of clothes to put on after our shower. The Doctor just grabbed a pre made outfit of hers off the rack tossing it into the bed. I walked into the bathroom starting the shower as I grabbed our towels.

"I hope you know I actually do plan to take a shower." I told her as she walked in after me.

"Of course, wouldn't have it any other way." I looked at her and saw the familiar mischievous look in her eyes. I began taking off my dress as she began taking off her suit. I turned my back before I finished undressing and stepped under the steady stream of warm water. It wasn't long until I heard her join me. "Don't mind me." She said as she reached in front of me to grab her soap.

"I hate you." I muttered as her eyes roamed my form. I turned back around and ignored her until she leaned in and whispered seductively in my ears.

"No, you don't." Her hands then roamed my sides as she then kissed my shoulder. I closed my eyes at the touch who am I kidding? I knew what I was getting into when I told her she could join me. I moaned when she lightly bit my neck as her arms snaked around my waist. She kissed just under my jaw before nipping my ear. I had to bite my lip to contain the sounds of delight. Her hand on my abdomen moved lower and I had to brace myself on the wall. Whatever hell existed, in any religion, or science, I know I'm getting a first class ticket with the sinful sounds I was making. "We've only just started, darling, and I'm nowhere near done with you." She chuckled. Sometimes I forgot time lords were touch telepathic. "Oh we are a lot more than that, let me show you." She kissed my neck and I felt something at the back of my mind. Like a warm hand gently stroking the back of my brain. "Let me in, and I can show you." I took in a breath and opened my mind to her, allowing her warm energy to engulf me. "There you go, that's it, good girl." She muttered and a shudder went through my body. I could feel her feelings, some of her thoughts. It was an experience I haven't felt before.

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