Surprise, Im Dying!

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(AN: this chapter isn't long, but I've been having bad writer's block again. Oh boy. This is roughly 1800 words and took me two days to write. Tomorrow I'll start episode nine and hopefully I can shake off this writer's block. To make up for it, I did write a small scene of intimacy... enjoy.)

I woke up the next morning to the feeling of gentle kisses being pressed to my neck and lower jaw. My eyes fluttered open and I giggled. "What are you doing?" I asked giggling again.

"Just showing my affection for you." She said before kissing me on my neck again. I felt her hands travel down my sides to my waist. It was only when she started playing with the hem of my shirt I knew this was something more than an innocent show of affection. "I love you so much, maybe I should show you just how much I do..." I definitely wasn't opposed to the idea.

"Yeah?" I asked a hint of excitement in my voice.

"Yeah." She replied before kissing me. It started out sweet and passionate, before it turned into rough and filled with lust. She started to lift up my shirt so I sat up slightly removing it. While I was sat up I leaned down and kissed her again before starting to remove her shirt. I helped her lift it over her head and I tossed it away behind me. I was holding myself above her and she looked up at me, a smile on her face. "You look so beautiful." She had said.

"You're only saying that because you've got me shirtless." I replied joking.

"No, I mean it." She pulled me down on top of her and she kissed me. We rolled and now she was the one on top of me. She held herself up with one arm and used her other hand to brush hair out of my face. "You are beautiful." She leaned down and kissed me again but this one was more heated. She then moved to my jaw and placed kisses there before moving to my neck. My neck was most sensitive and she knew it too. She bit down on my neck and a gave a gasp in surprise. She then pulled away kissing my neck where she bit me. It wasn't long until she moved to the other side and repeated the process. This time expecting it, I moaned when she bit down. Pulling her closer to me.

"Doctor.." I moaned breathlessly. I felt her hand move from my side. It slid lower and across my lower abdomen and stopped. I whimpered biting my lip in anticipation and she pulled away from my neck. She had a teasing smirk on her face and she giggled. "Tease." I called her. She giggled before going back to kiss my neck. "No." I said playfully, lightly pushing her away. She took her hand that rested in my lower abdomen, and caressed my cheek gently, before trying to kiss me again. "Stop." I said playfully again, pushing her away.

"Oh come on (Y/n), please?" She begged. I pulled away completely and stretched. I then sat up on the edge of the bed then got up to look for my shirt. I felt that I had a small amount of power over the situation. I had control in this moment. Now I had to chose, whether to forgive her and let this continue... or to make her suffer a little bit longer...

"No, you ruined it." I said back with a smirk. I made the choice to let her suffer a little bit longer, hopefully she'll learn her lesson about teasing, and how much I disliked it. I finished putting my shirt on. "Better luck next time." I said before leaving her alone in the room.

I walked into the kitchen fully awake from the Doctor's antics this morning. "Good morning, (Y/n)." Graham said taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh, it's definitely a morning." I replied sitting across from him at the table. I gave a sigh and laid my head on my arms.

"Why's that, then?" He asked.

I picked up my head to look at him. "Well it's a mixture between the stress of telling the others I'm sick, and the Doctor being... well... the Doctor."

"Don't worry about telling the others. You don't have to do it if it's causing you all this stress." He replied.

"I have to Graham. This is really serious, and they deserve to know." I said cutting him off before he could say anything more.

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