Chapter Eighteen: Tesla Storm

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(AN: I would like to formally apologize for being late with the updates, I have been extremely busy as of late with work and personal things. I haven't had enough time to write lately, and I know you don't want to hear my excuses, but hey, adult life is busy work. I'll try to get more chapters written, and I'll update every weekend I have something written.)

Dorothy handed all of us boxes and we took them to the table and lab benches looking through them. Something was wrong with the Doctor. She would never give into violence so easily. Last time she did something this extreme was right after we lost rose and met Donna. I had a vivid memory of the Doctor standing on the catwalk watching with a dark determination as the room filled with water and fire. A shiver went down my spine and I turned back to the others. "'Mechanism for photographing thoughts'?" Ryan read out as he began looking.

"No." I said and Graham nodded.

"'Apparatus for producing ozone.'"

"Could be useful." I admitted.

"'Prototype death ray'." Ryan said holding up the next device.

"Yes!" Graham said as Ryan began playing around with it. If the Doctor's rules were currently bending, I might as well take full advantage of it. I ran back inside the Tardis. She gave a hum in disapproval as she knew my thoughts.

"Oh it's alright for the Doctor to do it then?" I asked with a scoff. She gave another him in disapproval. I ran to my old room and looked under my bed. I pulled out a large box, it was old and covered in dust. I swore I'd never use this stuff again when I started traveling with the Doctor, but today, I'll make an exception. I grabbed my side arm from the old days of Van Statton, and walked out the door. Ryan and Graham were hammering away barricading the windows. Yaz and Edison came in from the secret hatch and the Doctor came bursting through the door.

"Just in time!" She called looking at everyone. "We need to barricade the door now."

"Dear god." Edison called.

"There's to many of them." Yaz said frightened.

"Well, they may have superior numbers, but we have superior minds." Tesla said. Graham and Ryan grabbed a large piece of wood and placed it on the door. Grabbing nails to keep it in place.

"We just need to hold them off." The Doctor called. "They're a hive species, so if we take off the queen..."

"We take out all of them." Yaz answered.

"Yes! She's still on the ship, and hopefully we're about to zap her with a lot of Wardenclyffe electricity."

"There's a 'but'." Graham called.

"Small detail once we power up the tower, the Tardis shields will drop, but will be 30 seconds before we can blast the ship." The Doctor replied. "There's not enough juice for both."

"What?" Dorothy called shaking her head. "What's gonna keep them out then?"

"We are." I called pulling the slide back on my gun. Usually by now the Doctor would reprimand me for bringing a weapon, especially a gun, but she didn't say a word. Something was wrong, something was very very wrong.

"Don't worry this ain't our first rodeo." Graham said trying to reassure them.

"We've never been to a rodeo." Ryan said back.

"You're not helping Ryan." Graham said back.

The Doctor then looked at all of us then to me. I walked over to her and shook my head. "I know I normally don't condone guns, but—"

"Today you make the exception?" I asked with confusion.

"Yeah, today I do." She nodded. "I want you safe, if that means letting you carry a gun, then so be it." She brushed a strand of hair out of my face and gave me a small smile. "I promise, everything will be ok." She turned to Tesla letting her hand fall from my face. "Ready?" She asked and he nodded. She and Tesla went into the Tardis and we all stood at the ready. Graham held the prototype death ray, and Edison and I had a gun. The others stood behind us with what they could find to protect themselves. "Get ready out there, shields are about to drop." It got quiet. To quiet. "Shields down. A few more seconds."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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