The Killer Gremlin from Space

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(AN: I'm losing motivation, I need new music. Idc what type, I listen to rock, county, rap, trap. Just hit me with a few songs in the comments.)

"Have you got onboard teleport?" The Doctor asked storming down the corridor.

"No, but there's post-recuperation onward teleport on Resus One." Astos said.

"I don't want to go to Resus One. Let me talk to the pilot." She asked stopping. I caught up and she wrapped an arm around my shoulders and leaned on me for support. "Thank you, darling." She pulled out her sonic and used it on monitor next to us.

"What are you doing? Don't touch that. Patients aren't allowed access to any onboard systems or non-medical facilities." He said stepping in front.

"Doctor, I think he's right. You need to calm down. You need to relax."

"Relax?!" She pulled away to stand on her own. "You've gone three days without your medication, anymore and the remnant inside you will go on unchecked. It could kill you!" She shouted.

"I'm dying anyway!" I shouted back. "I won't have you endanger the others because of me." I said and she paused for a moment.

She turned back and scanned the map that popped up on the screen. "Nav chamber. This way." She said practically ignoring everything we just said. She pushed onward and groaned in pain. "Still hurts!"

"Running can disrupt the ongoing healing process." Astos said as we tried to catch up.

"Don't worry I'll catch her." I said running ahead to catch up. "Doctor stop!" I shouted as she opened the door with her sonic.

"Enough now. You can't be in here. I don't know what that device is, but if you don't leave I have to restrain you." He said I followed her around the room as she looked at the different systems and monitors.

"Where's the crew?" She asked, and that was actually a good question. The only working personnel that we've seen were him and the other woman.

"Rescue crafts are automated. It's a two-medic crew, just me and Mabli. Our course is remotely programmed from the Tsuranga hub at Resus One." He explained.

"How do we turn it around?" She asked.

"You can't. The course is remotely set and locked. The onboard crew don't have privileges to unlock it." He said.

"We'll see about privileges." She pulled out her sonic screwdriver and aimed it at the center console.

I stepped in front of her and took her sonic. "Doctor. That's enough." I said and she narrowed her eyes at me. I put it in my back pocket out of her reach.

"(Y/n). Give me my sonic back." She said warningly and I crossed my arms.

"No. You've done enough!" I said stepping up to her. "I know you want the Tardis back, and I understand you want me safe." I said and she looked away from me not wanting to meet my gaze. "But you can't put me above the others." I said.

"She's right, if you were to interfere with the Navi system they'll take it as an active hostility or a hijack. They can detonate the craft." He explained.

The Doctor groaned in frustration looking away from the ground and began to look at the other systems. "I'm not being hostile!" She shouted.

"Yes, you are! You are being hostile and selfish. There are patients onboard who need to get to Resus One as a matter of urgency. My job is to keep all of you safe. You are stopping me from doing that." He said his kind tone going to that of seriousness and warning.

The Doctor stopped and took in a breath. "You're right. Both of you." She said looking to me and Astos. "Of course you're right. Sorry.." she said and I could tell she actually meant it. "That mine hit me harder than I thought." I walked over and pulled her into a hug. Not a tight one, because of her ectospleen. She rested her head on my shoulder and looked over at Astos.

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