Swiss Army Sonic

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We walked towards what I assumed, looked to be the item in the picture. Except it was all shattered into pieces. Well some of it was at least. "It was all sealed up earlier." Yaz said. "It looks like it's been broken." The Doctor walked towards it and examined the pieces.

"Or it's done what it came here for." She circled the remains of the object. "It's some sort of transport chamber. Presumably for that thing we saw in the alley."

"Ok, but that still doesn't answer any of our questions. Who? What? And why?" I said and the Doctor looked to me and nodded.

"You're right, (Y/n). Why here? Why tonight?"

"Actually..." Ryan started to say. We all turned his way and he spoke up. "That might have been me..."

"Why? What did you do?" The Doctor asked.

"When I went to get my bike, there was this line in the air, and then it moved and there were shapes."


"And I touched one..."

Grace looked slightly disappointed. "Ryan."

"You all would have done the same!" He said defensively. I looked around towards Graham and the others.

"I wouldn't!" Graham exclaimed.

"To be honest.. neither would I." I said agreeing with Graham.

The Doctor raised her hand slightly. "I would have."

"Oh yeah, weird alien thing, floating shapes. Of course you would touch it." I looked over to Ryan. "Why didn't you say something earlier?"

"I forgot about it." He looked back to the remains of the transport. "All right, the shapes disappeared. A few seconds later," he points to the transport. "That appeared. What have I done?"

I looked to the Doctor for answers as did the others. "Hard to say, really." I walked over to her as she looked in thought at the remains. I have never seen anything like this before while traveling with the Doctor, and from the way she was looking at it she hadn't either.

Graham looked angry as he glanced at Ryan. "I suppose you'll be blaming this on the dyspraxia as well. Can't ride a bike, started an alien invasion!"

Grace put a hand on his arm and tried to calm him. "Graham.."


"Enough, love."

"All right, I made a mistake. But why did that guy move this thing from the Peaks to here? And how did he even know it were there?" Ryan said asking the right questions. We still needed answers, but all we've gained were more questions.

"Good questions." The Doctor said.

Yaz turned to Ryan. "Let's take a look around here, see what we can find." The two went further into the garage.

"Can't follow it. The tracking's been blocked, like it figured out what I was doing." The Doctor looked down at the phone in her hand as it seemed to be glitching out a bit. Frustration clear on her face.

"If we were tracking bomb signals, why did they lead us here?" Grace asked.

"Another good question."

"Maybe the signals from the bombs, and the transport pod are related some how. I don't know, same type of signal maybe?" I said looking from the pod to the Doctor. "Maybe one is sending, or receiving the signal. What do you think?"

"I don't know. You could be right, (Y/n). If I could analyze that... course, what I really need is my..." she looked through her coat but stopped when she couldn't find her sonic screwdriver. "I could build one!" She exclaimed. "I'm good at building things! Probably."

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