Chapter Six: The Spymaster

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(AN: sorry for the late upload I got busy yesterday, and the chapter I had in the drafts was the wrong one. I almost posted chapter ten on accident 😅 first person to find the Chris Stapleton reference gets an invite to my discord 😂 not joking I'll DM the first person to catch it.)

The Tardis landed and the Doctor rushed to the doors. She opened it and everyone followed her out. I looked around as I walked towards her side. We were in a vineyard right outside his house. The Doctor fixed her bow tie and everyone did last minute fixes on there outfit. I looked at Yaz and it appears I'm the only one who chose a dress. "Shall we?" The Doctor asked offering her arm. I took it with a smile and walked with her to Barton's long winding driveway.

As we neared the entrance I caught the sight of what seemed to be Barton's motorcycle collection. "I'm in love." I said as I saw the brand new red Ducati at the back. The Doctor smiled at me before she realized I wasn't talking about her.

"Upstaged by a motorbike." She muttered shaking her head. I chuckled as it was now our turn. "The names Doctor. The Doctor." She said very smoothly. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "We're on the list."

The woman looked over the list and nodded after checking everyone. "Welcome, go right in." She said with a smile.

"Is this a bad time to mention I've never done undercover work?" O asked.

"You said you worked for MI6!" Graham yelled lowly.

"As an analyst. In the office." He replied.

"It's ok, you'll be fine just act natural. It's this one we need to worry about." I gestured to the Doctor as I unlinked our arms.

"Oi!" She shook her head and looked around. "It's a party, we're guests. Blend in. And keep an eye out for Daniel Barton." Everyone broke away but I stayed with the Doctor. We walked around with our eyes peeled and didn't see anything.

"I'm gonna get a drink, circle the room." I whispered to her.

"Good idea." She replied.

"Want anything?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No." She replied when suddenly her eyes lit up. She found an open space at the blackjack table and took it.

"I'll be back." I said leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. I walked away and took the long way to the bar. I looked around and didn't see Barton anywhere. I watched as guests played cards talked in with each other. I couldn't find him but now I had to give my attention away. "You look bored." I said making small talk with the bartender. He put a false smile on his face and I smirked shaking my head. "Let me guess the only interesting thing you've made today is a martini, not even dirty, or a screwdriver, which is just vodka and Orange juice."

"You know your way around a bar, I take it?" He asked with a genuine smile.

"Or I'm just a heavy drinker." I tossed back. He laughed at that and so did I. "Can I trouble you for a whiskey sour?" I asked him.

"Not a problem miss." He said grabbing a shaker.

"I want a classic sour." I told him pointedly. He rose an eyebrow at me but smiled.

"You are really making me work aren't you." He replied with a smile.

"You were the one that's bored." He got out his shaker and as he reached for the whiskey I tsked at him. "Tennessee. Make it a double." He rose an eyebrow at me but did as I asked. I watched as he poured a double shot into the shaker with ice. Then he put in the lemon juice, then the egg white. I watched as he juggled the yoke from shell to shell expertly. He discarded the shell and the yoke before adding the simple sugar syrup, with extra dramatic flare. He put the lid on the shaker and shook it vigorously. I looked out at the party. I could see Yaz and O in the distance. They were wondering around together before finding a place at the craps table. "Have you seen Daniel around here? I've been meaning to find him to tell him happy birthday." I asked as the bartender poured me my sour. He garnished it with a lemon twist and added the few dashes of bitters. He handed me my drink, the ice clinking against the cold glass.

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