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The boy held the big note pad against his chest, as he cornered himself. Avoiding people as they swarmed the halls of the school, chasing after classes, creating pure chaos. Some were busy fooling around, taking the time before class to relax with their friends. He wasn't a social type..and preffered staying away from crowds, as he found them rather confusing and stressful. He really had no friends..he never did, he had moved schools so many times, having absolutely no one too open up to. He was so bad at communicating, he might as well try suck his own balls..he found it that hard. There wasn't the biggest reason behind it..maybe some strange form of anxiety? He often found himself anxious whenever someone spoke to him..he got used to not talk, and that was how he got through his days.

He was quiet, calm and composed. Sure he didn't have everything, but even if he had no friends nor siblings, he still found various of ways to enjoy his life. But he still couldn't help but to feel so bad mentally. He had no one to turn to when he was sad, and it broke him. His father was one of his biggest supporters, while his mother was hospitalized in the hospital, after an unlucky car crash that happened the start of the year, being in a long coma.

But even so, he never complained. He knew better than to never complain over something, his parents were fighting for their lives. His mother probably missing him in dream world, his father being his main distraction..his father was his best friend. It was so weird to consider his own dad, his bestfriend. But he had learned to live with it.

So his life was pretty simple..sure some complications here and there, but either way, it wasn't much of a big deal.

His school experience was peaceful, and quiet, despite the constant moving and lack of friends, he enjoyed the peaceful years.

The hall started to empty, giving him space to go do his own business. Placing his bag filled with his other books, inside the locker as he proceeded to lock it.

Many at his current school had done something creative with their lockers, but him. The two lockers beside his was quite decorated themselves. One had rock and roll stickers covering the base of the locker, while the opposite one was more artistic and had a peaceful vibe to it. Of course his was a plain grey color, no stickers nor any form of paint on it. He didn't understand what was so special about personalizing a locker, once this year was over, he had to remove it anyways.. that would be quite the work for him.

So he kept it simple, the way he liked it. And he usually never minded anything about it. He made his way to his class, happy to see that his teacher hasn't arrived yet, so he was quick to take a seat in the middle of the class, since that was the only available option left. He turned the few pages in his book, starting to read, not wanting to focus on today's lesson.

"Hey do you know if we have homework for this class" A person spoke from beside him, causing him to look up slowly, making eye contact with the opposite person. The male had long, brown hair, soft yet sharp eyes, and a pair of beautiful plump lips.

He took his time to a analyze the males features, but not to long to make it seem as if he were staring..which would be considered rude.

"Nah, I don't assume so..it's fucking history, if we had something to do, it would most likely be a group project" another male perked up, after a few seconds eye contact with the long haired boy.

The long haired male eventually shifted attention, going to talk to the other. But was interrupted by the teacher walking in.

"Okay everyone, turn to page 173...".

That's when the boy stopped paying attention to whatever was going on around him, shifting it back to his book. He hated history, mainly because there usually was projects..group projects to be specific, and to say, he wasn't the most enthusiastic about it. So he either stayed away from the class, or just didn't pay attention in general. And nobody commented on it, which he didn't mind..he still managed to score a few points in it, but really, he didn't care.

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