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Jeongin laid against the seat in the car, watching as the big city started to appear. He still felt overwhelmed with emotions, and he felt oh so nervous of what to come. He had told Hyunjin he was only comfortable telling him at home, cause then it would be easier to get his point of view. But he still felt so unsure. Having his once lovely father, avoiding him and ignoring him..broke him. And the worst part was that he never did anything. It all just started one day, so Jeongin was beyond afraid to try and explain it to Hyunjin without sounding like too much of a baby.

He appreciated all the help Hyunjin gave him. But he felt like he was starting to become to much of a cry baby, that he complained every single minute. Even if he haven't even opened up about the big part yet.

Maybe it was his anxiety fooling around with him. But even so, he still felt pathetic.

"Minho will be coming too. I want this to be shared between all three if us" Hyunjin spoke, looking at the road ahead of them.

Jeongin just hummed fiddling with his fingers, as he tried to focus on everything, but the fact he had to open up his father. He didn't want to, it felt like backstabbing him, especially because he used to be his one and only best friend..now his gone.

Hyunjin knew Jeongin had to think for himself, so he eventually stayed quiet, placing his hand on his thigh as a form of comfort..which made the smaller smile.

Even without having to be verbal, Hyunjin was still that best comforter.

"Thank you" he whispered.

"No worries baby".

That stupid nickname again, it made him feel things that was beyond overwhelming.


Home sweet home, most would call it. Jeongin entered through the apartment door with a groan, spotting a familiar male on the couch, seemingly relaxing in his own world.

Jeongin stood frozen, not really knowing what to do, now that they both were here.

Should he talk now? Or did he need some time to think about his words. He wanted to choose the second option, but Hyunjin came up behind him, patting his shoulder, before walking into his living room.

"Minho, get your legs of the table, it's not even your home!" Hyunjin scolded, pushing Minho's feet of the coffee table. "Come here" Hyunjin pointed at Jeongin who stood frozen, watching the two boys with curious eyes.

But eventually he moved, feeling the urge to be wrapped in a bunch of warm arms. It made him feel..like he was on fire, but in a good way.he wasn't begin to be lwr out, he wanted to burn up to pure ashes.

"How am I even supposed to start" Jeongin shook, feeling a hand touch his thigh..assuming if belonged to Hyunjin, but it didn't..it was Minho's hand.

He really does play by his own rules.

Jeongin had completely forgot he had told Minho this. So he could probably sense what he was about to share with Hyunjin, being there as emotional back up..it was nice.

"Just start with saying your father is a jerk" Minho spoke, turning his head away from them both, closing his eyes to focus on god knows what.

"Your father? Jeongin what about him?" Hyunjin perked up, looking at the boy with concerned eyes.

Jeongin took a deep breath, eventually telling Hyunjin and Minho about everything that had happened, this december month. This month was supposed to be a warm season, but he practically lost everything, and gained to pessimist who wouldn't leav himself alone..but oh, did he enjoy those pessimist presence a lot.

This was so bad, but I wanted to get over with this chapter as quick as possible..and it 3 Am and I have school tomorrow, RIP my life.

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