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"Baby, what's happening, are you sure you don't need to see a doctor" Hyunjin spoke, as he held onto the younger, who was barely even done yet.

Just like last night, Jeongin was hanging over the toilet. But this time he was at school and had to run out of class, due to having to puke. The sad thing was, that he felt relatively fine before class. He had eaten what Hyunjin had gotten for him, recieved a bunch of hugs and kisses from him aswell.

But now he was holding onto him, as his throat stung and hurt, feeling the vomit scratching the back of his throat. He felt horrible. His thin frame barely holding itself, and most.likely relied on Hyunjin to hold him.

Minho was on the phone that Hyunjin had put on speaker, the phone laying on the floor as Hyunjin attempted to communicate with Minho while holding the boy up.

"Make him go see a doctor..It's not healthy to be throwing up day and night for a longer period of time, nor thst random bruises keeps showing up on his body" Minho spoke, having a full suspicion of what was actually going on.

But Jeongin still refused. He felt so bad, but if it meant he'd possibly die, then he wanted that to happen. He didn't need medical help, he had no reason to live anyways..sure the two men was the sun and moon of his life, but his world was slowly falling apart, and he didn't know which piece to jump on to.

"Jeongin, please, you can't continue this way..your going to get seriously sick and possibly die, especially if you don't eat or let your body get the nutrients it needs!" Hyunjin attempted to explain, but shut down after hearing what Jeongin said afterwards.

"I don't even wanna live anymore..there's barely even no reason too, I can barely stand up straight anymore, I can't get any form of food down my body without it coming right up again..really, I don't want to fucking live like this!" He cried out, as he continued to eventually throw up into the toilet, tears staining his cheeks as all he felt was pure pain.

"I'm on my way" Minho spoke, hanging up the phone, causing Hyunjin to pay his attention back to the nearly passed out boy.

"Jeongin..please just listen okay? Either your willingly choosing to see a doctor, or else me and Minho are going to force you..this is no way near fucking healthy, so please cooperate with us" Hyunjim practically begged, panicking the younger started throwing a bit of red liquid up. "Shit".

Jeongin couldn't help but to cry as the headache in his head got worse, blood running out of his nose as Hyunjin attempted to keep the boy up, trying to stop the blood from coming out of his nose as much as possible.

Jeongin vision was blurry, his head spinning as he tried to process what was happening.

"Shh, baby I'm here..I know you don't want too, but you have too" Hyunjin spoke, as he received a text from Minho, saying he'll be there in ten.

So Hyunjin got up, having to practically carry the boy out of the toilet, without wasting any time. He headed towards to main entrance, practically feeling his heart jump out of his body, he hated seeing Jeongin in such bad states..but this, was way to serious to simply just have deep talk about.

"Please, I don't want to-".

"Jeongin, right now is not about what you want..but what you need too, please you can't keep having secret from us, we need to know what going on!" Hyunjin spoke  holding the boy tightly in his arms as he saw the head entrance infront of them.

"I swear it's nothing! I'm myself doesn't even know what the fuck is happening to me" Jeongin tried to reason in his hoarse voice, tears spilling as it hurt to speak.

He knew what was happening home is the reason behind his horrible state. But he really couldn't say it, he was scared, but he didn't know for what exactly.

"Please?" He mumbled, not wanting to go at all. He had a bad feeling the doctors would know what was going on, and that thought gave him anxiety.


He was definitely dead meat, once he comes home.

Poor indie.

Also thanks for 300 views.

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